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¿Cómo Programar en MyBusiness POS?
A continuación se muestran algunas sintaxis de las funciones que utiliza MyBusiness POS, sobre todo van enfocados a los formatos de impresión de tickets (Ticket Explicado)
‘Declaración de las variables, globales o locales _
(en caso de que se encuentre en un bloque Sub)
Dim Variable
‘Salto de línea, _
el cual se asigna a la variable cLineaNueva
cLineaNueva = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
‘ Creamos el recordSet del encabezado de la venta ‘ el recordset _
“Rst(consulta, Ambiente.Connection)” es la lista de datos que nos _
interesan (con condiciones) de una determinada tabla y _
se guardan en la variable “rstEncabezado”.
Set rstEncabezado = Rst(“Consulta entre Comillas”, Ambiente.Connection)
‘Muestra el valor de la columna “Caja”, resultado de la consulta rstEncabezado
‘El nobre de la conexión a la base de datos actual
‘Valida si la consulta NO tuvo resultados
if rstEncabezado.EOF Then
MsgBox “No existe la venta seleccionada”,vbInformation
Exit Sub
end if
‘con “Exit Sub” terminamos el proceso (Sub Proceso() — end Sub). _
En este caso, se “mata” el proceso Sub Main(), porque estemos dentro de este.
Exit Sub
‘”cSalida” es la variable que almacena todo el texto que se imprimirá. _
en este caso “cSalida” se prepara en blanco. es importane ver en las _
siguientes líneas cómo es que se va alimentando esta variable “cSalida”
cSalida = “”
‘Propiedad de la estación que indica si hay Cajón de Dinero conectado (0, 1)
‘Creación de la lista de registros a consultar
CreaRecordSet( “Consulta entre comillas”, Ambiente.Connection )
‘Borra los espacios al principio y al final de un texto o variable String
Trim( “Texto con espacios al final” )
‘Asigna una determinada cantidad de espacios para alinera a la DERECHA
PadL( “Cadena de Texto”, 11 )
‘Asigna una determinada cantidad de espacios para alinera a la IZQUIERDA
PadR( “Cadena de texto”, 11 )
‘Subcadena de texto, útil para múltiples líneas de texto (texto, inicio, largo)
Mid( “Cadena de Texto”, 1, 15 )
Mid( “Cadena de Texto”, 16, 20 )
‘ Esto manda un corte de papel
if Ambiente.rstEstacion(“ticketcorte”) <> 0 Then
cSalida = cSalida & Chr(27) & Chr(105)
end if
‘este bloque permite imprimir en una impresora _
USB (imprime en la impresora predeterminada de Windows).
‘Fuente que tendra el ticket USB
EstableceFuente “Courier New”, 8
‘Alineación del texto en el ticket, en pulgadas
Say 0,.2, cSalida
‘Termina la Impresión USB
Exit Sub
‘Impresión de ticket, corteX y CorteZ _
Enviamos a la impresorade tickets que esta definida en ESTACION01
Script.sendToPrinter Ambiente, (cSalida), prn.Pantalla
‘Permite definir la fuente (letra) del Código de Barras
EstableceFuente “C39HrP24DhTt”, 40
‘Permite un tiempo de espera 100 ms para continuar en caso de error
Dormir 100
‘Permite tener una vista previa del resultado, sin necesidad de imprimir
msgbox cSalida
‘ Aqui se puede modificar la etiqueta utiliza un lenguaje llamado EPL2_
‘Se muestran los comandos basicos _
El comando N inicia la etiqueta _
‘El comando A muestra un dato de texto en _
donde el 250 es la posición en el eje de las X y el 15 la _
posición en el eje de las Y
‘El comando B muestra el código de barras _
donde 250 es la posición en el eje de las X y 45 es la posición _
de inicio del eje de las Y _
‘El comando P Finaliza la etiqueta y el nunero 1 indica _
cuantas etiquetas se van a imprimir
‘linea de codigo de barras de la version 2011
cSalida = cSalida & “B05,30,0,2,1,6,25,B,” & Chr(34) & cArticulo & Chr(34) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
‘linea de codigo de barras de la version 2006
cSalida = cSalida & “B250,60,0,1,2,6,80,B,” & Chr(34) & cArticulo & Chr(34) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
Para el formato de factura electrónica CBB
'Box permite crear un cuadro sin relleno
' la sintaxis es Box InicioX, InicioY, FinX, FinY
' el X y Y son las coordenadas, iniciando desde la parte superior izquierda
Box Col(62), Row(8), Col(12), Row(1) 'Cuadro que enmarca el encabezado FACTURA
Box Col(62), Row(8), Col(12), Row(3) 'Cuardo grande que emnarca la Fatura y serie
‘FilledBox permite tener un cuadro con relleno de color
‘la sintaxis es FilledBox InicioX, InicioY, FinX, FinY, RGB(Rojo, Verde, Azul)
‘donde el color RGB va desde 0 hasta 255.
FilledBox Col(57), Row(12), Col(20), Row(1), RGB( 200, 200, 200 )
‘Say permite imprimir un texto o una variable tipo texto o numero
‘la sintaxis es Say X,Y
‘ el X y Y son las coordenadas, iniciando desde la parte superior izquierda
Say Row(17), Col(07), “Texto de prueba”
‘Tambien se puede presentar el texto con las coordenadas en Pulgadas, X = 0.94, Y = 2.53 pulgadas
Say 0.94, 2.53, “Texto de prueba para pagaré”
A continuación se muestran todas las funciones que se aplican en el sistema MyBusiness POS
Función |
Descripción |
Librería (dll) |
Tipo |
Sub o Funcion |
Detalle |
AbreConnection |
AbreConnection (cBase As String) As ADODB._Connection |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
AbrirCajonDeDinero |
AbrirCajonDeDinero (cPuerto, cCode) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Abs |
Abs (Number) |
Math |
Function |
AbsolutePage |
AbsolutePage As PositionEnum |
Recordset |
Function |
AbsolutePosition |
AbsolutePosition As PositionEnum |
Recordset |
Function |
ActivaMostrador |
ActivaMostrador ([Tipo As String]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ActivaPuntoDeVenta |
ActivaPuntoDeVenta ([Tipo As String], [bolModal As BooleanFalso], [bolLogin As BooleanFalso]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ActivaPuntoDeVenta2 |
ActivaPuntoDeVenta2 ([Tipo As String], [bolModal As BooleanFalso], [bolLogin As BooleanFalso]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ActiveCommand |
ActiveCommand As Object |
Recordset |
Function |
ActiveConnection |
ActiveConnection |
Recordset |
Function |
ActualSize |
ActualSize As Long |
Field |
Function |
ActualizaApartadosPorVenta |
ActualizaApartadosPorVenta (cArticulo, nCantidad, ByVal Ambiente) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaCuenxpag |
ActualizaCuenxpag (nCuenxpag, ByVal Ambiente) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaPorAplicar |
ActualizaPorAplicar (nAbono, ByVal Ambiente) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaPorAplicarEnPagos |
ActualizaPorAplicarEnPagos (nAbono, ByVal Ambiente) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaPorRecibir |
ActualizaPorRecibir (Ambiente As ?, cArticulo As String, nPartida As Long, nCantidad As Double, [bolAfectaArticulos As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaPorSurtir |
ActualizaPorSurtir (Ambiente As ?, cArticulo As String, nPartida As Long, nCantidad As Double, [bolAfectaArticulos As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaPorSurtirEnCotizacion |
ActualizaPorSurtirEnCotizacion (cArticulo, nPartida As Long, nCantidad As Double, nPedido As Long, ByVal Ambiente As Long, [bolAfectaArticulos As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaPorSurtirEnOrden |
ActualizaPorSurtirEnOrden (cArticulo, nPartida As Long, nCantidad As Double, nPedido As Long, ByVal Ambiente As Long, [bolAfectaArticulos As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaSaldo |
ActualizaSaldo (nCobranza, ByVal Ambiente) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaSaldoPagos |
ActualizaSaldoPagos (nCuenxpag, ByVal Ambiente) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ActualizaSecuenciaDePeriodos |
ActualizaSecuenciaDePeriodos |
BContabilidad |
Contabilidad |
Sub |
Acumulado |
Acumulado As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
AddField |
AddField (strTable As String, cField As String, [uValue]) |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
AddNew |
AddNew ([ByVal FieldList], [ByVal Values]) |
Recordset |
Sub |
AddPath |
AddPath (strPath As String, [strRemoteStation As String], [strPerfil As String], [strSubPerfil As String]) |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
AddTable |
AddTable (strTable As String, [strParent As String], [strRelation As String], [RelationType As String]) |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
AddText |
AddText (ByVal strText As String) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
AfectaCuentasPorCobrar |
AfectaCuentasPorCobrar (nVenta As Long, [nSaldo As Double]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
AfectaInventario |
AfectaInventario ([Inventario As Long]) As Double |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
AfectaPartidas |
AfectaPartidas (rstVenta As ADODB._Recordset, rstPartidas As ADODB._Recordset) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
AfectaSaldoDeCliente |
AfectaSaldoDeCliente (cCliente As String, nCantidad As Double, Connection As ADODB._Connection) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
AfectaSaldoDeProveedor |
AfectaSaldoDeProveedor (cProveedor As String, nCantidad As Double, Connection As ADODB._Connection) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
Afectaflujo |
Afectaflujo (rstVenta As ADODB._Recordset) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Function |
Agente |
Agente As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Agregar |
Agregar (rst As ADODB._Recordset) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
Almacen |
Almacen As Integer |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Ambiente |
Ambiente As BEnviroment._Ambiente |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Function |
Ancho |
Ancho As Long |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
AnchoCelda |
AnchoCelda As Double |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
AnchoTitulo |
AnchoTitulo As Double |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
AplicaFormato |
AplicaFormato (Text As Object, ByVal Ambiente As Object, [Formato As String]) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
AppActivate |
AppActivate (Title, [Wait]) |
Interaction |
Sub |
Append |
Append (ByVal Object As Object) |
Parameters |
Sub |
AppendChunk |
AppendChunk (ByVal Val) |
Parameter |
Sub |
Archivo |
Archivo As Boolean |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Argument |
Argument As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeTipMultiFunc |
Function |
Articulo |
Articulo As String |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Function |
AscB |
AscB (ByVal String As String) As Byte |
Strings |
Function |
AscW |
AscW (ByVal String As String) As Integer |
Strings |
Function |
AsignaSubItem |
AsignaSubItem (Item, nIndice As Integer, uValue) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
Asociados |
Asociados (cArticulo As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
At |
At (strSearch, strText As String) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Atn |
Atn (ByVal Number As Double) As Double |
Math |
Function |
Attributes |
Attributes As Long |
Property |
Function |
AutoIndentMode |
AutoIndentMode As cmAutoIndentMode |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Avanzado |
Avanzado As Boolean |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
BOF As Boolean |
Recordset |
Function |
BarCodeTime |
BarCodeTime As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
BarCodes |
BarCodes As Long |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
Barcode |
Barcode As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
Bascula |
Bascula As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Beep |
Beep |
Interaction |
Sub |
BeginTrans |
BeginTrans As Long |
Connection |
Function |
Bitacoras |
Bitacoras |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
Block |
Block (cBlock As String) As String |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Bookmark |
Bookmark |
Recordset |
Function |
BorderStyle |
BorderStyle As cmBorderStyle |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
BorraArchivo |
BorraArchivo |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
BorraCobranza |
BorraCobranza (nCobranza As Long) As Boolean |
BCobranza |
Cobranza |
Function |
BorraDevolucion |
BorraDevolucion (nDevolucion As Long) |
BCompras |
Compras |
Sub |
BorraOrden |
BorraOrden (norden As Long) |
BOrdenes |
Ordenes |
Sub |
BorraPedido |
BorraPedido (nPedido As Long) |
BPedidos |
Pedidos |
Sub |
Box |
Box (bLeft, bTop, bWidth, bHeight) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
BufferColToViewCol |
BufferColToViewCol (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal lBuffCol As Long) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Busca |
Busca (cBusqueda As String, [Tabla As String], [Campo As String], [Comparador As String], [uValor], [extList As BooleanFalso]) |
BBuscar |
Buscar |
Sub |
BuscaPerfil |
BuscaPerfil (strBuscaPerfil, strSubPerfil) As Boolean |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
BuscaVentana |
BuscaVentana ([strTexto As String], [strClase As String]) As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Buscar |
Buscar As String |
prjMultiCombo |
MultiCombo |
Function |
BusquedaAutomatica |
BusquedaAutomatica As Boolean |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
BusquedaFin |
BusquedaFin As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
BusquedaFin2 |
BusquedaFin2 As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
BusquedaIni |
BusquedaIni As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
BusquedaIni2 |
BusquedaIni2 As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
CBool |
CBool (Expression) As Boolean |
Conversion |
Function |
CByte |
CByte (Expression) As Byte |
Conversion |
Function |
CCur |
CCur (Expression) As Currency |
Conversion |
Function |
CDate |
CDate (Expression) As Date |
Conversion |
Function |
CDbl |
CDbl (Expression) As Double |
Conversion |
Function |
CDec |
CDec (Expression) |
Conversion |
Function |
CInt |
CInt (Expression) As Integer |
Conversion |
Function |
CLng |
CLng (Expression) As Long |
Conversion |
Function |
CP |
CP As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
CSng |
CSng (Expression) As Single |
Conversion |
Function |
CStr |
CStr (Expression) As String |
Conversion |
Function |
CVDate |
CVDate (Expression) |
Conversion |
Function |
CVErr |
CVErr (Expression) |
Conversion |
Function |
CVar |
CVar (Expression) |
Conversion |
Function |
CacheSize |
CacheSize As Long |
Recordset |
Function |
Calcula |
Calcula |
BCalculator |
Calculator |
Sub |
Calcula2 |
Calcula2 As Double |
BCalculator |
Calculator |
Function |
CalculaImportes |
CalculaImportes (rstVenta As ADODB._Recordset, rstPartidas As ADODB._Recordset, [nVenta As Long]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
CalculaTotales |
CalculaTotales (cCuenta As String, nYear As Long, nMonth As Long) |
BContabilidad |
Contabilidad |
Sub |
CalculaValores |
CalculaValores |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
Calculadora |
Calculadora (Ambiente As ?) As Double |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Calendar |
Calendar As VbCalendar |
DateTime |
Function |
CallByName |
CallByName (ByVal Object As Object, ByVal ProcName As String, ByVal CallType As VbCallType, Args() As Variant) |
Interaction |
Function |
Cambia |
Cambia (cInserta As String, cBusca As String, cTarget As String) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
CambiaNumeroDeNotaDeCredito |
CambiaNumeroDeNotaDeCredito (nNC As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
CambiarNumeroDeFactura |
CambiarNumeroDeFactura (nFactura As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
Cambio |
Cambio As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
Campo |
Campo |
BLIstView |
lvCol |
Function |
CanCopy |
CanCopy As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CanCut |
CanCut As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CanPaste |
CanPaste As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CanRedo |
CanRedo As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CanUndo |
CanUndo As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Cancel |
Cancel |
Stream |
Sub |
CancelBatch |
CancelBatch ([ByVal AffectRecords As AffectEnum = adAffectAll]) |
Recordset |
Sub |
CancelUpdate |
CancelUpdate |
Recordset |
Sub |
CancelaCompra |
CancelaCompra (rstCompra As ADODB._Recordset) |
BCompras |
Compras |
Sub |
CancelaFactura |
CancelaFactura (rstVenta As ADODB._Recordset) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
CancelaProceso |
CancelaProceso As Boolean |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Function |
CancelaRemision |
CancelaRemision (rstVenta As ADODB._Recordset, [CancelaLotesSeries As BooleanVerdadero], [Cancelaflujo As BooleanVerdadero], [RemoveItemX As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
Cancelado |
Cancelado As Boolean |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
CapturaLotesEntrantes |
CapturaLotesEntrantes (nConsec As Long, cArticulo As String, cDescrip As String, nCantidad As Double) |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Sub |
CapturaLotesSalida |
CapturaLotesSalida (nConsec As Long, cArticulo As String, cDescrip As String, nCantidad As Double) |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Sub |
CapturaSeriesDeEntrada |
CapturaSeriesDeEntrada (nFaltantes As Long, nConsec As Long, cArticulo As String, cDescrip As String) |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Sub |
CapturaSeriesDeSalida |
CapturaSeriesDeSalida (cArticulo As String, nSeries As Long, nConsec As Long) |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Sub |
CaseSensitive |
CaseSensitive As Boolean |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
CatalogoActivo |
CatalogoActivo As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
CenterForm |
CenterForm (frm As Object) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ChDir |
ChDir (ByVal Path As String) |
FileSystem |
Sub |
ChDrive |
ChDrive (ByVal Drive As String) |
FileSystem |
Sub |
Charset |
Charset As String |
Stream |
Function |
Check |
Check As Boolean |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
CheckLeyend |
CheckLeyend As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
CheckValue |
CheckValue As Boolean |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
Clasificacion |
Clasificacion As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Clave |
Clave As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
ClearData |
ClearData |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
ClearUndoBuffer |
ClearUndoBuffer |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
Clone |
Clone ([ByVal LockType As LockTypeEnum = adLockUnspecified]) As _Recordset |
Recordset |
Function |
CloseAllFiles |
CloseAllFiles |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
CloseFile |
CloseFile (n As Integer) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
CodeID |
CodeID As Long |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
CodeType |
CodeType As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
Codigo39 |
Codigo39 (x, y, xNarrow, yHeight, strMensaje, [bolBoxFalso], [CheckDigitFalso], [strData1], [strData2]) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Col |
Col As Double |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
ColNo |
ColNo As Long |
CodeSense |
Position |
Function |
CollectionRst |
CollectionRst As VBA._Collection |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
ColorDeFuente |
ColorDeFuente (nColor) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
ColorSyntax |
ColorSyntax As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
ColumnSel |
ColumnSel As Boolean |
CodeSense |
Range |
Function |
Columna |
Columna As _Columna |
BReportes |
Value |
Function |
ColumnaFont |
ColumnaFont (strFont As String, dblFontSize As Double, bolFontBold As Boolean) |
BReportes |
Columna |
Sub |
ColumnaGrupoFont |
ColumnaGrupoFont (strFont As String, dblFontSize As Double, bolFontBold As Boolean) |
BReportes |
Columna |
Sub |
ColumnsGrupo |
ColumnsGrupo As VBA._Collection |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
ColumnsTotal |
ColumnsTotal As VBA._Collection |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
CommPort |
CommPort As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
CommandTimeout |
CommandTimeout As Long |
Connection |
Function |
CommandToFile |
CommandToFile (strCommand As String, strFile As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
CommitTrans |
CommitTrans |
Connection |
Sub |
CommonDialog1 |
CommonDialog1 As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
CompareBookmarks |
CompareBookmarks (ByVal Bookmark1, ByVal Bookmark2) As CompareEnum |
Recordset |
Function |
Componentes |
Componentes (cArticulo As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
CompraJoyeria |
CompraJoyeria ([cModo As String”ALTA”], [nMovimiento As Long]) |
BCompras |
Compras |
Sub |
Cond |
Cond As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
Condition |
Condition As String |
prjMultiCombo |
MultiCombo |
Function |
Conectar |
Conectar As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Conexiones |
Conexiones As VBA._Collection |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
ConfigConnection |
ConfigConnection As ADODB._Connection |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
ConfigRecordSet |
ConfigRecordSet As ADODB._Recordset |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
ConfirmaVenta |
ConfirmaVenta (nVenta As Long, bolImprimir As Boolean, [VentaOrigen As Long], [cCaja As String], [bolflujo As BooleanVerdadero]) As Boolean |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Function |
Connection |
Connection |
prjMultiCombo |
MultiCombo |
Function |
ConnectionString |
ConnectionString As String |
Connection |
Function |
ConnectionTimeout |
ConnectionTimeout As Long |
Connection |
Function |
Consec |
Consec As Long |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
ConsultaAbono |
ConsultaAbono (nAbono As Long) |
BCobranza |
Cobranza |
Sub |
ConsultaArticulo |
ConsultaArticulo (cArticulo As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
ConsultaCliente |
ConsultaCliente (cCliente As String) |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Sub |
ConsultaCobranza |
ConsultaCobranza (nCobranza As Long, [bolModal As BooleanFalso]) |
BCobranza |
Cobranza |
Sub |
ConsultaCompra |
ConsultaCompra (nCompra As Long) |
BCompras |
Compras |
Sub |
ConsultaDevolucion |
ConsultaDevolucion (nDevolucion As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ConsultaEntrada |
ConsultaEntrada (nEntrada As Long) |
BEntradasSalidas |
EntradasSalidas |
Sub |
ConsultaFactura |
ConsultaFactura (nFactura As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ConsultaLinea |
ConsultaLinea (cLinea As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
ConsultaMarca |
ConsultaMarca (cMarca As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
ConsultaOrden |
ConsultaOrden (norden As Long) |
BOrdenes |
Ordenes |
Sub |
ConsultaPedido |
ConsultaPedido (nPedido As Long) |
BPedidos |
Pedidos |
Sub |
ConsultaRemision |
ConsultaRemision (nRemision As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ConsultaSalida |
ConsultaSalida (nSalida As Long) |
BEntradasSalidas |
EntradasSalidas |
Sub |
ConsultaUbicacion |
ConsultaUbicacion (cUbicacion As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
ConsultaVendedor |
ConsultaVendedor (cVendedor As String) |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Sub |
ConsultaVenta |
ConsultaVenta (nVenta As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
Control |
Control As Object |
BLibreria |
TextData |
Function |
ControlAyuda |
ControlAyuda As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
ControlhWndImpresora |
ControlhWndImpresora As Long |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
ConvertirEnFactura |
ConvertirEnFactura |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ConvierteRemisionEnFactura |
ConvierteRemisionEnFactura (nRemision As Long, cEstacion As String, bolTicket As Boolean) As String |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Function |
CopiaArchivo |
CopiaArchivo (cArchivOrig As String, cArchivoDes As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Copias |
Copias (nCopias As Long) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
CopyFile |
CopyFile (Source As String, Destination As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
CopyRecord |
CopyRecord ([ByVal Source As String], [ByVal Destination As String], [ByVal UserName As String], [ByVal Password As String], [ByVal Options As CopyRecordOptionsEnum = adCopyUnspecified], [ByVal Async As BooleanFalso]) As String |
Record |
Function |
CopyTo |
CopyTo (ByVal DestStream As _Stream, [ByVal CharNumber As Long-1]) |
Stream |
Sub |
Cos |
Cos (ByVal Number As Double) As Double |
Math |
Function |
Costo |
Costo As Double |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
CreaForma |
CreaForma As Object |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
CreaNotaCredito |
CreaNotaCredito (nVenta As Double) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
CreaRecordSet |
CreaRecordSet (strSql As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection, [porPantalla As BooleanVerdadero]) As ADODB._Recordset |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
CreaRecordSetDeActualizacion |
CreaRecordSetDeActualizacion |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
CreaRecordSetEnCliente |
CreaRecordSetEnCliente (strSql As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection) As ADODB._Recordset |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Creabalanza |
Creabalanza (nYear As Long, nMonth As Long) |
BContabilidad |
Contabilidad |
Sub |
CrearFacturaDeCierre |
CrearFacturaDeCierre ([cCliente As String]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
CreateFile |
CreateFile (ByVal FileName As String) As Integer |
BExcel |
ExcelFile |
Function |
CreateInsert |
CreateInsert |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
CreateObject |
CreateObject (ByVal Class As String, [ByVal ServerName As String]) |
Interaction |
Function |
CreateParameter |
CreateParameter ([ByVal Name As String], [ByVal Type As DataTypeEnum = adEmpty], [ByVal Direction As ParameterDirectionEnum = adParamInput], [ByVal Size As Long], [ByVal Value]) As _Parameter |
Command |
Function |
CreateQuery |
CreateQuery As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
CreateSelect |
CreateSelect As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
CreateUpdate |
CreateUpdate |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
CrystalReport |
CrystalReport As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
CuadroDeMensajes |
CuadroDeMensajes (cMensaje As String, nTipo As Integer, Ambiente As Object) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
CuantasLineas |
CuantasLineas (cString) As Long |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
CurrentFunction |
CurrentFunction As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeTipMultiFunc |
Function |
CurrentToken |
CurrentToken As cmTokenType |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CurrentView |
CurrentView As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CurrentWord |
CurrentWord As String |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CurrentWordLength |
CurrentWordLength As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CurrentWordLengthLogical |
CurrentWordLengthLogical As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
CurrentX |
CurrentX (XVal) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
CurrentY |
CurrentY (YVal) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
CursorLocation |
CursorLocation As CursorLocationEnum |
Recordset |
Function |
CursorType |
CursorType As CursorTypeEnum |
Recordset |
Function |
Data |
Data |
BVentas |
clsTextBox |
Function |
DataArrival |
DataArrival As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
DataAvailable |
DataAvailable |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
DataElse |
DataElse As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
DataFormat |
DataFormat As Unknown |
Field |
Function |
DataMember |
DataMember As String |
Recordset |
Function |
DataSeparator |
DataSeparator (Separator, strSearch, List() As Variant) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
DataSource |
DataSource As Unknown |
Recordset |
Function |
DateAdd |
DateAdd (ByVal Interval As String, ByVal Number As Double, Date) |
DateTime |
Function |
DateDiff |
DateDiff (ByVal Interval As String, Date1, Date2, [ByVal FirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = vbSunday], [ByVal FirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = vbFirstJan1]) |
DateTime |
Function |
DatePart |
DatePart (ByVal Interval As String, Date, [ByVal FirstDayOfWeek As VbDayOfWeek = vbSunday], [ByVal FirstWeekOfYear As VbFirstWeekOfYear = vbFirstJan1]) |
DateTime |
Function |
DateSerial |
DateSerial (ByVal Year As Integer, ByVal Month As Integer, ByVal Day As Integer) |
DateTime |
Function |
DateValue |
DateValue (ByVal Date As String) |
DateTime |
Function |
Datos |
Datos As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Day |
Day (Date) |
DateTime |
Function |
DebugMode |
DebugMode (ByVal nOnOff As Long) |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
Decrypta |
Decrypta (cTexto As String, nLlave As Integer) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
DefaultDatabase |
DefaultDatabase As String |
Connection |
Function |
DefinedSize |
DefinedSize As Long |
Field |
Function |
DeleteFile |
DeleteFile (filename As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
DeleteItem |
DeleteItem (ByVal ItemIndex As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeList |
Sub |
DeleteLine |
DeleteLine (ByVal lLine As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
DeleteRecord |
DeleteRecord ([ByVal Source As String], [ByVal Async As BooleanFalso]) |
Record |
Sub |
DeleteSel |
DeleteSel |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
DeleteSetting |
DeleteSetting (ByVal AppName As String, [ByVal Section], [ByVal Key]) |
Interaction |
Sub |
Depurar |
Depurar (Ambiente As BEnviroment._Ambiente, strProceso As String, Linea As Long) |
BScripting |
BScript |
Sub |
Desconectado |
Desconectado As Boolean |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Description |
Description As String |
Error |
Function |
Destroy |
Destroy |
CodeSense |
CodeTipMultiFunc |
Sub |
Detalle |
Detalle As Boolean |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
DeviceId |
DeviceId As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
DeviceTime |
DeviceTime As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
Devolucion |
Devolucion As Boolean |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
Dia |
Dia (dFecha As Date) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Dir |
Dir ([PathName], [ByVal Attributes As VbFileAttribute = vbNormal]) As String |
FileSystem |
Function |
Direccion1 |
Direccion1 As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Direccion2 |
Direccion2 As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
DisplayContext |
DisplayContext ([ByVal TopicNum As Long]) As Long |
BVentas |
chmHelpVentas |
Function |
DisplayIndex |
DisplayIndex ([ByVal sKeyWord As String]) As Long |
BVentas |
chmHelpVentas |
Function |
DisplayLeftMargin |
DisplayLeftMargin As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
DisplaySearch |
DisplaySearch As Long |
BVentas |
chmHelpVentas |
Function |
DisplayTOC |
DisplayTOC As Long |
BVentas |
chmHelpVentas |
Function |
DisplayTopic |
DisplayTopic ([ByVal TopicName As String]) As Long |
BVentas |
chmHelpVentas |
Function |
DisplayWhitespace |
DisplayWhitespace As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
DllVersion |
DllVersion As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
DoEvents |
DoEvents As Integer |
Interaction |
Function |
DoPing |
DoPing (ByVal HostAddress As String) As Boolean |
BLibreria |
Ping |
Function |
Documento |
Documento As Long |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Donativo |
Donativo As Double |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
Dormir |
Dormir (nMSegundos As Double) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
EColor |
EColor As Double |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
EColorCondition |
EColorCondition As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
ECondition |
ECondition As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
EOF As Boolean |
Recordset |
Function |
EOS As Boolean |
Stream |
Function |
EditMode |
EditMode As EditModeEnum |
Recordset |
Function |
EditaSql |
EditaSql (Parent As Object) |
BBuscar |
Buscar |
Sub |
ElSiguienteMes |
ElSiguienteMes (nMes As Integer, nDia As Integer, nYear As Long) As Date |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
EliminaAlmacen |
EliminaAlmacen (nAlmacen As Long) |
BAlmacen |
Almacen |
Sub |
EliminaArchivo |
EliminaArchivo (strArchivo) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
EliminaArticulo |
EliminaArticulo (cArticulo As String, [Forzoso As BooleanFalso]) As Boolean |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Function |
EliminaCliente |
EliminaCliente (cCliente As String) As Boolean |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Function |
EliminaCompra |
EliminaCompra (nCompra As Long) |
BCompras |
Compras |
Sub |
EliminaDevolucion |
EliminaDevolucion (nDevolucion As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
EliminaEntrada |
EliminaEntrada (nEntrada As Long) |
BEntradasSalidas |
EntradasSalidas |
Sub |
EliminaFactura |
EliminaFactura (nFactura As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
EliminaLinea |
EliminaLinea (cLinea As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
EliminaMarca |
EliminaMarca (cMarca As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
EliminaMoneda |
EliminaMoneda (cMoneda As String) |
BMonedas |
Monedas |
Sub |
EliminaPeriodo |
EliminaPeriodo (nYear As Long, nMonth As Long) |
BContabilidad |
Contabilidad |
Sub |
EliminaRemision |
EliminaRemision (nRemision As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
EliminaSalida |
EliminaSalida (nSalida As Long) |
BEntradasSalidas |
EntradasSalidas |
Sub |
EliminaUbicacion |
EliminaUbicacion (cUbicacion As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
EliminaVendedor |
EliminaVendedor (cVendedor As String) As Boolean |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Function |
EliminaVenta |
EliminaVenta (nVenta As Long, [bolConfirma As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
Email As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Empresa |
Empresa As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Empty |
Empty |
CodeSense |
Range |
Sub |
EmptySys |
EmptySys (cDato As String) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
EnVenta |
EnVenta (strArticulo As String, nAlmacen, Connection As ADODB._Connection) As Double |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
EnableCRLF |
EnableCRLF As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
EnableColumnSel |
EnableColumnSel As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
EnableDragDrop |
EnableDragDrop As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
EnableHSplitter |
EnableHSplitter As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
EnableHotTracking |
EnableHotTracking ([ByVal bEnable]) |
CodeSense |
CodeList |
Sub |
EnableVSplitter |
EnableVSplitter As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Encabezado |
Encabezado |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
Encrypta |
Encrypta (cTexto As String, nLlave As Integer) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
EndColNo |
EndColNo As Long |
CodeSense |
Range |
Function |
EndLineNo |
EndLineNo As Long |
CodeSense |
Range |
Function |
EnsambleProducto |
EnsambleProducto (strArticulo As String, nCantidad As Double, [Id_salida As Long], [tipoMovim As String]) As Boolean |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
Entrada |
Entrada (nConsec As Long) As Double |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
EntradaSalida |
EntradaSalida As String |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
EnviaComando |
EnviaComando (cComando As String) |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Sub |
Err |
Err As ErrObject |
Information |
Function |
ErrorOculto |
ErrorOculto As Boolean |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
EsServidor |
EsServidor As Boolean |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
EscapeChar |
EscapeChar As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
EstableceEstiloImpresoraNT |
EstableceEstiloImpresoraNT |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
EstableceFuente |
EstableceFuente (strFuente, Size) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
EstableceImpresora |
EstableceImpresora (strimpresora) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Estacion |
Estacion As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Estate |
Estate As Integer |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
EstiloImpresion |
EstiloImpresion As String |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Eventos |
Eventos |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Exec |
Exec |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
ExecuteCmd |
ExecuteCmd (ByVal lCommand As cmCommand, [ByVal CmdData]) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
ExecuteFromFile |
ExecuteFromFile (strFile As String) |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
Existe |
Existe (cDato As String, cCampo As String, cTabla As String, Conexion As ADODB._Connection, [Numeric As BooleanFalso]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
ExisteArchivo |
ExisteArchivo (strArchivo) As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
ExisteCampo |
ExisteCampo (cCampo As String, cTabla As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection) As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Existen |
Existen (Tabla As String, ByVal Ambiente As String) As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Exp |
Exp (ByVal Number As Double) As Double |
Math |
Function |
ExpandTabs |
ExpandTabs As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Explain |
Explain As Boolean |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
FDinero |
FDinero As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
FEspecial |
FEspecial As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
FacturarEnPuntoDeVenta |
FacturarEnPuntoDeVenta (nRemision As Long, cCaja As String) As String |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Function |
Fast |
Fast As Boolean |
prjMultiCombo |
MultiCombo |
Function |
FastRst |
FastRst (strSql As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection, [Pantalla As BooleanFalso]) As ADODB._Recordset |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
FechaDeTrabajo |
FechaDeTrabajo (Year As Long, Month As Long) As Date |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
FechaFinal |
FechaFinal As Date |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
FechaInicial |
FechaInicial As Date |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
FechaMov |
FechaMov As Date |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
FechaSQL |
FechaSQL (dDecha, [Connection As ADODB._Connection]) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Fechas |
Fechas As Boolean |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
FieldList |
FieldList As String |
BScripting |
SQLanalizer |
Function |
FieldName |
FieldName As String |
BQueryBuilder |
BFields |
Function |
FieldX |
FieldX As String |
BScripting |
Relacion |
Function |
FieldY |
FieldY As String |
BScripting |
Relacion |
Function |
Fields |
Fields As Fields |
Recordset |
Function |
FieldsCollection |
FieldsCollection As VBA._Collection |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
FieldsSigmaCollection |
FieldsSigmaCollection As VBA._Collection |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
File |
File As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
FileAttr |
FileAttr (ByVal FileNumber As Integer, [ByVal ReturnType As Integer1]) As Long |
FileSystem |
Function |
FileCopy |
FileCopy (ByVal Source As String, ByVal Destination As String) |
FileSystem |
Sub |
FileDateTime |
FileDateTime (ByVal PathName As String) |
FileSystem |
Function |
FileEOF |
FileEOF (n As Integer) As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
FileLen |
FileLen (ByVal PathName As String) As Long |
FileSystem |
Function |
FileReal |
FileReal (filename) As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
FilledBox |
FilledBox (bLeft, bTop, bWidth, bHeight, Color) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Filter |
Filter |
Recordset |
Function |
FinDocumento |
FinDocumento |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
FinMonitor |
FinMonitor As Boolean |
BusinessMonitor |
clsBusinessMonitor |
Function |
FindMRUList |
FindMRUList As String |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Function |
FindString |
FindString (ByVal strFind As String, [ByVal bAcceptPartial]) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeList |
Function |
FindText |
FindText As String |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
FindWindowLike |
FindWindowLike (hWndArray() As Long, ByVal hWndStart As Long, WindowText As String, Classname As String, Id, hText() As String, hClass() As String) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Fix |
Fix (Number) |
Conversion |
Function |
Flush |
Flush |
Stream |
Sub |
Fn |
Fn (strValue As String) As Double |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
FontTitle |
FontTitle As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
FontTitleBold |
FontTitleBold As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
FontTitleSize |
FontTitleSize As Double |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
FormaAlto |
FormaAlto As Double |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
FormaAncho |
FormaAncho As Double |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
FormaAyuda |
FormaAyuda As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
FormaBuscaContactos |
FormaBuscaContactos |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Sub |
FormaDePagos |
FormaDePagos (nCobranza As Long, [Modal As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BCobranza |
Cobranza |
Sub |
FormatCurrency |
FormatCurrency (Expression, [ByVal NumDigitsAfterDecimal As Long-1], [ByVal IncludeLeadingDigit As VbTriState = vbUseDefault], [ByVal UseParensForNegativeNumbers As VbTriState = vbUseDefault], [ByVal GroupDigits As VbTriState = vbUseDefault]) As String |
Strings |
Function |
FormatDateTime |
FormatDateTime (Expression, [ByVal NamedFormat As VbDateTimeFormat = vbGeneralDate]) As String |
Strings |
Function |
FormatNumber |
FormatNumber (Expression, [ByVal NumDigitsAfterDecimal As Long-1], [ByVal IncludeLeadingDigit As VbTriState = vbUseDefault], [ByVal UseParensForNegativeNumbers As VbTriState = vbUseDefault], [ByVal GroupDigits As VbTriState = vbUseDefault]) As String |
Strings |
Function |
FormatPercent |
FormatPercent (Expression, [ByVal NumDigitsAfterDecimal As Long-1], [ByVal IncludeLeadingDigit As VbTriState = vbUseDefault], [ByVal UseParensForNegativeNumbers As VbTriState = vbUseDefault], [ByVal GroupDigits As VbTriState = vbUseDefault]) As String |
Strings |
Function |
FormateaCuenta |
FormateaCuenta (cCuenta As String, nNiveles As Long, nNivel1 As Long, nNivel2 As Long, nNivel3 As Long, nNivel4 As Long, nNivel5 As Long) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Formato |
Formato (Var, strFormat) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
FormatoDecimal |
FormatoDecimal (uValue As Double) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
FreeFile |
FreeFile ([RangeNumber]) As Integer |
FileSystem |
Function |
FuenteTransparente |
FuenteTransparente (bolTrans) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
FunctionCount |
FunctionCount As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeTipMultiFunc |
Function |
GeneraFunciones |
GeneraFunciones (Ambiente As ?) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
GetASCIIMode |
GetASCIIMode |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetAllBookmarks |
GetAllBookmarks (Lines() As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
GetAllSettings |
GetAllSettings (ByVal AppName As String, ByVal Section As String) |
Interaction |
Function |
GetAttr |
GetAttr (ByVal PathName As String) As VbFileAttribute |
FileSystem |
Function |
GetAttrib |
GetAttrib (filename) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
GetBookmark |
GetBookmark (ByVal lLine As Long) As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetCTS |
GetCTS |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetChildren |
GetChildren As _Recordset |
Record |
Function |
GetChunk |
GetChunk (ByVal Length As Long) |
Field |
Function |
GetCodeType |
GetCodeType (nType As Long) |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetColor |
GetColor (ByVal lColorItem As cmColorItem) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetCommandString |
GetCommandString (ByVal lCmd As cmCommand, ByVal bDescription As Boolean) As String |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Function |
GetDeviceId |
GetDeviceId |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetDivider |
GetDivider (ByVal lLine As Long) As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetDllVersion |
GetDllVersion |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetError |
GetError As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
GetFileDate |
GetFileDate (filename As String) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
GetFileExtension |
GetFileExtension (filename As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
GetFileSize |
GetFileSize (filename) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
GetFontStyle |
GetFontStyle (ByVal lFontStyleItem As cmFontStyleItem) As cmFontStyle |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetHotKeyForCmd |
GetHotKeyForCmd (ByVal lCmd As cmCommand, ByVal lNum As Long) As IHotKey |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Function |
GetHotKeys |
GetHotKeys (HotKeysBuff() As Byte) |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Sub |
GetItemData |
GetItemData (ByVal lLine As Long) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetItemText |
GetItemText (ByVal ItemIndex As Long) As String |
CodeSense |
CodeList |
Function |
GetLanguageDef |
GetLanguageDef (ByVal strName As String) As ILanguage |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Function |
GetLine |
GetLine (ByVal lLine As Long) As String |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetLineLength |
GetLineLength (ByVal lLine As Long) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetLineStyle |
GetLineStyle (ByVal lLine As Long) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetMacro |
GetMacro (ByVal lMacro As Long, MacroBuff() As Byte) |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Sub |
GetMarginImages |
GetMarginImages (ByVal lLine As Long) As Byte |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetNumHotKeysForCmd |
GetNumHotKeysForCmd (ByVal lCmd As cmCommand) As Long |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Function |
GetObject |
GetObject ([PathName], [Class]) |
Interaction |
Function |
GetPacket |
GetPacket |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetProtocol |
GetProtocol |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetRTCMode |
GetRTCMode |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetRows |
GetRows ([ByVal Rows As Long-1], [ByVal Start], [ByVal Fields]) |
Recordset |
Function |
GetSel |
GetSel (ByVal bNormalized As Boolean) As IRange |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetSelFromPoint |
GetSelFromPoint (ByVal lxClientPos As Long, ByVal lyClientPos As Long) As IPosition |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetSetting |
GetSetting (ByVal AppName As String, ByVal Section As String, ByVal Key As String, [ByVal Default]) As String |
Interaction |
Function |
GetString |
GetString ([ByVal StringFormat As StringFormatEnum = adClipString], [ByVal NumRows As Long-1], [ByVal ColumnDelimeter As String], [ByVal RowDelimeter As String], [ByVal NullExpr As String]) As String |
Recordset |
Function |
GetSwVersion |
GetSwVersion |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetSystemStatus |
GetSystemStatus |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetTime |
GetTime |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
GetTopIndex |
GetTopIndex (ByVal lView As Long) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetVisibleLineCount |
GetVisibleLineCount (ByVal lView As Long, ByVal bFullyVisible As Boolean) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetWord |
GetWord (ByVal Pos As IPosition) As String |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GetWordLength |
GetWordLength (ByVal Pos As IPosition, ByVal bLogical As Boolean) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
GlobalProps |
GlobalProps As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Group |
Group As String |
BScripting |
SQLanalizer |
Function |
Grupo |
Grupo As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
Grupo3d |
Grupo3d As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoColleccionTotales |
GrupoColleccionTotales As VBA._Collection |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoColor |
GrupoColor As Double |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoData |
GrupoData As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoExcluyeColumnaDeTotales |
GrupoExcluyeColumnaDeTotales As VBA._Collection |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoFont |
GrupoFont As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoFontBold |
GrupoFontBold As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoFontSize |
GrupoFontSize As Double |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoParameters |
GrupoParameters As VBA._Collection |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoResultSet |
GrupoResultSet As ADODB._Recordset |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoSeparador |
GrupoSeparador As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoSql |
GrupoSql As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoTitulo |
GrupoTitulo As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoTotal |
GrupoTotal As Double |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoTotal3d |
GrupoTotal3d As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoTotalLeyenda |
GrupoTotalLeyenda As String |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoTotales |
GrupoTotales As Boolean |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GrupoValue |
GrupoValue |
BReportes |
Columna |
Function |
GruposyAcumulados |
GruposyAcumulados |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
GuardaBitCostos |
GuardaBitCostos (Modulo As String, Clave As String, Modo As String, ByVal Ambiente As String, [strClave2 As String]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
GuardaBitacora |
GuardaBitacora (cArticulo As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
HScrollVisible |
HScrollVisible As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
HSplitterPos |
HSplitterPos As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
HelpContext |
HelpContext As Long |
Error |
Function |
HelpFile |
HelpFile As String |
BVentas |
chmHelpVentas |
Function |
HideSel |
HideSel As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
HighlightEndPos |
HighlightEndPos As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeTipHighlight |
Function |
HighlightStartPos |
HighlightStartPos As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeTipHighlight |
Function |
HighlightedLine |
HighlightedLine As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
HitTest |
HitTest (ByVal lxClientPos As Long, ByVal lyClientPos As Long, plView As Long) As cmHitTestCode |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Horizontal |
Horizontal As Boolean |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Hour |
Hour (Time) |
DateTime |
Function |
IIf |
IIf (Expression, TruePart, FalsePart) |
Interaction |
Function |
IMEStatus |
IMEStatus As VbIMEStatus |
Information |
Function |
IP2Long |
IP2Long (strAddress As String) As Long |
BLibreria |
Ping |
Function |
IconBag |
IconBag As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Id |
Id As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
IdX |
IdX As Integer |
BScripting |
Relacion |
Function |
IdY |
IdY As Integer |
BScripting |
Relacion |
Function |
Id_salida |
Id_salida As Long |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
ImageList |
ImageList As Object |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Imagen1 |
Imagen1 As Object |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Imagen2 |
Imagen2 As Object |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Imagen3 |
Imagen3 As Object |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
ImpresoraDeEtiquetas |
ImpresoraDeEtiquetas As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
ImpresoraDefault |
ImpresoraDefault (strImpresora As String) As Object |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
ImprimeDocumento |
ImprimeDocumento (cDocumento As String, nVenta As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ImprimeFormato |
ImprimeFormato (Formato As String, nDocumento As Long, Ambiente As Object, Parent As Object, bolPantalla As Boolean) |
BScripting |
BScript |
Sub |
ImprimeRenglon |
ImprimeRenglon (nRenglon As Double, Imprimir As Boolean) |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
ImprimeReporte |
ImprimeReporte ([nColumna As Long]) |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
ImprimeTotalGeneral |
ImprimeTotalGeneral (nRenglon As Double) |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
ImprimeTotalesGrupo |
ImprimeTotalesGrupo (nRenglon As Double, Columna As _Columna, [bolImprimir As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
InStr |
InStr ([Start], [String1], [String2], [ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare]) |
Strings |
Function |
InStrB |
InStrB ([Start], [String1], [String2], [ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare]) |
Strings |
Function |
InStrRev |
InStrRev (ByVal StringCheck As String, ByVal StringMatch As String, [ByVal Start As Long-1], [ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare]) As Long |
Strings |
Function |
IniciaDocumento |
IniciaDocumento |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
IniciaMonitor |
IniciaMonitor |
BusinessMonitor |
clsBusinessMonitor |
Sub |
Init |
Init |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
InsertFile |
InsertFile (ByVal strFileName As String, ByVal InsertPos As IPosition) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
InsertItem |
InsertItem (ByVal lIndex As Long, ByVal strAdd As String, [ByVal ImageIndex], [ByVal ItemData]) As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeList |
Function |
InsertLine |
InsertLine (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal strLine As String) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
InsertText |
InsertText (ByVal strText As String, ByVal InsertPos As IPosition) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
Inserta |
Inserta (cInserta As String, cBusca As String, cTarget As String) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
InsertaSql |
InsertaSql |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
Int |
Int (Number) |
Conversion |
Function |
Internet |
Internet (Modulo As String, Clave As String, Modo As String, ByVal Ambiente As String, [strClave2 As String]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
Interrogate |
Interrogate |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
Into |
Into As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
Inventario |
Inventario As Boolean |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
InventarioInicial |
InventarioInicial As Boolean |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
IsArray |
IsArray (VarName) As Boolean |
Information |
Function |
IsConnected |
IsConnected As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
IsDate |
IsDate (Expression) As Boolean |
Information |
Function |
IsEmpty |
IsEmpty (Expression) As Boolean |
Information |
Function |
IsHostSyncRunning |
IsHostSyncRunning As Boolean |
BLibreria |
Ping |
Function |
IsMissing |
IsMissing (ArgName) As Boolean |
Information |
Function |
IsNull |
IsNull (Expression) As Boolean |
Information |
Function |
IsNumeric |
IsNumeric (Expression) As Boolean |
Information |
Function |
IsObject |
IsObject (Expression) As Boolean |
Information |
Function |
IsPlayingMacro |
IsPlayingMacro As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
IsRecordingMacro |
IsRecordingMacro As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
IsolationLevel |
IsolationLevel As IsolationLevelEnum |
Connection |
Function |
ItemCount |
ItemCount As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeList |
Function |
Join |
Join (SourceArray, [Delimiter]) As String |
Strings |
Function |
Key |
Key As String |
BLibreria |
WsField |
Function |
Keywords |
Keywords As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
Kill |
Kill (PathName) |
FileSystem |
Sub |
LLenaGeneral |
LLenaGeneral (strSQL As String, Titulos As VBA._Collection, strIcon As String, [bolSoloUno As BooleanFalso], [cLetter As String]) As ADODB._Recordset |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Function |
LOF (ByVal FileNumber As Integer) As Long |
FileSystem |
Function |
LandScape |
LandScape |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Language |
Language As String |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
LastDllError |
LastDllError As Long |
ErrObject |
Function |
LastRec |
LastRec (strTabla As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
LastValue |
LastValue |
BReportes |
Value |
Function |
Lector |
Lector As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Len |
Len (Expression) |
Strings |
Function |
LenB |
LenB (Expression) |
Strings |
Function |
LengthOfId |
LengthOfId As Long |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
LengthOfPacketData |
LengthOfPacketData As Long |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
LengthOfRawData |
LengthOfRawData As Long |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
Lenguaje |
Lenguaje As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Letra |
Letra (nNumero, Leyenda, Decimales, [strLeyenda2]) As String |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
LeyendaFin |
LeyendaFin As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
LeyendaFin2 |
LeyendaFin2 As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
LeyendaIni |
LeyendaIni As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
LeyendaIni2 |
LeyendaIni2 As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
LiberaCompra |
LiberaCompra (rstCompra As ADODB._Recordset) |
BCompras |
Compras |
Sub |
Licence |
Licence As Boolean |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
LineCount |
LineCount As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
LineNo |
LineNo As Long |
CodeSense |
Position |
Function |
LineNumberStart |
LineNumberStart As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
LineNumberStyle |
LineNumberStyle As cmLineNumStyle |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
LineNumbering |
LineNumbering As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
LineSeparator |
LineSeparator As LineSeparatorEnum |
Stream |
Function |
LineToolTips |
LineToolTips As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Linea |
Linea (bLeft0, bTop0, bLeft1, bTop1) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
ListView |
ListView As Object |
BBuscar |
Buscar |
Function |
LittleIconBag |
LittleIconBag As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
LlenaAFavor |
LlenaAFavor ([nAbono As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaAlmacenes |
LlenaAlmacenes ([nAlmacen As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaBancos |
LlenaBancos ([cBANCO As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaCentrosDeCosto |
LlenaCentrosDeCosto ([cCtoCto As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaClients |
LlenaClients ([cCliente As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaCobrads |
LlenaCobrads ([cCobrad As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaCobranza |
LlenaCobranza ([nCobranza As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaColores |
LlenaColores ([cColor As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaComprasCanceladas |
LlenaComprasCanceladas |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaComprasConfirmadas |
LlenaComprasConfirmadas ([nCompra As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaComprasPendientes |
LlenaComprasPendientes ([nCompra As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaConEgresos |
LlenaConEgresos ([cConcepto As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaConIngresos |
LlenaConIngresos ([cConcepto As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaConcxc |
LlenaConcxc ([cConcxc As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaConcxp |
LlenaConcxp ([cConcxp As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaConpres |
LlenaConpres ([cConcepto As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaCotizaciones |
LlenaCotizaciones ([nCotizacion As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaCuentas |
LlenaCuentas ([cCuenta As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaCuenxpag |
LlenaCuenxpag ([nCuenxpag As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaDefinicionDePolizas |
LlenaDefinicionDePolizas ([cDefinicionDePoliza As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaDevComp |
LlenaDevComp ([nDevolucion As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaDevCompPendientes |
LlenaDevCompPendientes ([nDevolucion As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaDevoluciones |
LlenaDevoluciones ([nDevolucion As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaDevolucionesPendientes |
LlenaDevolucionesPendientes ([nDevolucion As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaDistribuciones |
LlenaDistribuciones ([nDistribucion As Long], [cEstado As String”PE”], [bolImagen As BooleanFalso]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaEntradas |
LlenaEntradas ([nEntrada As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaEntradasPendientes |
LlenaEntradasPendientes ([nEntrada As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaEstaciones |
LlenaEstaciones ([cEstacion As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaEtapas |
LlenaEtapas ([cEtapa As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaFacCanceladas |
LlenaFacCanceladas |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaFacturas |
LlenaFacturas ([nVenta As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaFlujo |
LlenaFlujo |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaFormatos |
LlenaFormatos ([cFormato As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaGruposDeCuentas |
LlenaGruposDeCuentas ([cCveGpo As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaImpuestos |
LlenaImpuestos ([cImpuesto As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaInvFis |
LlenaInvFis |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaLineas |
LlenaLineas ([cLinea As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaMarcas |
LlenaMarcas ([cMarca As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaMedios |
LlenaMedios ([cMedio As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaModelos |
LlenaModelos ([cModelo As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaMonedas |
LlenaMonedas ([cMoneda As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaOP |
LlenaOP ([cOP As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaOrdenes |
LlenaOrdenes ([nOrden As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaPagos |
LlenaPagos ([nAbono As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaPerfiles |
LlenaPerfiles ([cPerfil As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaPeriodosContables |
LlenaPeriodosContables ([nYear As Long], [nMonth As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaPresupuestos |
LlenaPresupuestos ([nPresup As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaProds |
LlenaProds ([cArticulo As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaProveedores |
LlenaProveedores ([cProveedor As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaRemCanceladas |
LlenaRemCanceladas ([EnTicket As BooleanFalso]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaRemisiones |
LlenaRemisiones ([nVentas As Long], [EnFacturaFalso], [EnTicket As BooleanFalso]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaSalidas |
LlenaSalidas ([nSalida As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaSalidasPendientes |
LlenaSalidasPendientes ([nSalida As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaSucursales |
LlenaSucursales ([cSucursal As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaTallas |
LlenaTallas ([cTalla As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaTipoMovims |
LlenaTipoMovims ([cTipoMovim As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaTipopends |
LlenaTipopends ([cTipopend As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaTipos |
LlenaTipos ([cTipo As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaTiposDePolizas |
LlenaTiposDePolizas ([cTipoPol As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaTiposProv |
LlenaTiposProv ([cTipop As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaUbicacion |
LlenaUbicacion ([cUbicacion As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaUsuarios |
LlenaUsuarios ([cUsuario As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaVends |
LlenaVends ([cVendedor As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaVentasDeSucursales |
LlenaVentasDeSucursales |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaVentasPendientes |
LlenaVentasPendientes ([nVenta As Long]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
LlenaZonas |
LlenaZonas ([cZona As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
Llenaempleados |
Llenaempleados ([cEmpleado As String]) |
BLIstView |
Llena |
Sub |
Load |
Load (ByVal Object As Object) |
Global |
Sub |
LoadFromFile |
LoadFromFile (ByVal FileName As String) |
Stream |
Sub |
LoadRsFromXML |
LoadRsFromXML (fullpath As String) As ADODB._Recordset |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Loc |
Loc (ByVal FileNumber As Integer) As Long |
FileSystem |
Function |
LockType |
LockType As LockTypeEnum |
Recordset |
Function |
MAPIMessages1 |
MAPIMessages1 As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
MAPISession1 |
MAPISession1 As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
MSComm |
MSComm As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
MakeDIR |
MakeDIR (path As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
MarcaNumero |
MarcaNumero (cNumero As String, cPuerto As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
MarshalOptions |
MarshalOptions As MarshalOptionsEnum |
Recordset |
Function |
Max |
Max (nNumero1 As Double, nNumero2 As Double) As Double |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
MaxRecords |
MaxRecords As Long |
Recordset |
Function |
MaximoModuloDeTerminal |
MaximoModuloDeTerminal (strModulo As String, strTerminalEstacion As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Mensaje |
Mensaje (nId As Long, Ambiente As Object) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
MensajeError |
MensajeError As String |
BScripting |
BScript |
Function |
Mes |
Mes (nMes As Integer) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
MesAnterior |
MesAnterior (nMes As Integer) As Integer |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
MesSiguiente |
MesSiguiente (nMes As Integer) As Integer |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Min |
Min (nNumero1 As Double, nNumero2 As Double) As Double |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Minute |
Minute (Time) |
DateTime |
Function |
MisMenus |
MisMenus As VBA._Collection |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
MkDir |
MkDir (ByVal Path As String) |
FileSystem |
Sub |
ModificaAbono |
ModificaAbono (nAbono As Long, [bolModalFalso]) |
BCobranza |
Cobranza |
Sub |
ModificaArticulo |
ModificaArticulo (cArticulo As String, [soloConsulta As BooleanFalso]) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
ModificaCliente |
ModificaCliente (cCliente As String, [soloConsulta As BooleanFalso], [bolModal As BooleanFalso], [objControl As Object]) |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Sub |
ModificaCobranza |
ModificaCobranza (nCobranza As Long, [bolModal As BooleanFalso]) |
BCobranza |
Cobranza |
Sub |
ModificaCompra |
ModificaCompra (nCompra As Long) |
BCompras |
Compras |
Sub |
ModificaDevolucion |
ModificaDevolucion (nDevolucion As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ModificaEntrada |
ModificaEntrada (nEntrada As Long) |
BEntradasSalidas |
EntradasSalidas |
Sub |
ModificaFactura |
ModificaFactura (nFactura As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ModificaLinea |
ModificaLinea (cLinea As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
ModificaMarca |
ModificaMarca (cMarca As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
ModificaOrden |
ModificaOrden (norden As Long) |
BOrdenes |
Ordenes |
Sub |
ModificaPedido |
ModificaPedido (nPedido As Long) |
BPedidos |
Pedidos |
Sub |
ModificaRemision |
ModificaRemision (nVenta As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ModificaSalida |
ModificaSalida (nSalida As Long) |
BEntradasSalidas |
EntradasSalidas |
Sub |
ModificaUbicacion |
ModificaUbicacion (cUbicacion As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
ModificaVendedor |
ModificaVendedor (cVendedor As String, [soloConsulta As BooleanFalso], [Modal As BooleanFalso]) |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Sub |
ModificaVentaPendiente |
ModificaVentaPendiente (nVenta As Long) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
ModificarAbono |
ModificarAbono (nAbono As Long) |
BCuenxpag |
Cuenxpag |
Sub |
Modified |
Modified As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Modifiers1 |
Modifiers1 As Long |
CodeSense |
HotKey |
Function |
Modifiers2 |
Modifiers2 As Long |
CodeSense |
HotKey |
Function |
Moneda |
Moneda As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Month |
Month (Date) |
DateTime |
Function |
MonthName |
MonthName (ByVal Month As Long, [ByVal Abbreviate As BooleanFalso]) As String |
Strings |
Function |
MoveFile |
MoveFile (Source As String, Destination As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
MoveFirst |
MoveFirst |
Recordset |
Sub |
MoveLast |
MoveLast |
Recordset |
Sub |
MoveNext |
MoveNext |
Recordset |
Sub |
MovePrevious |
MovePrevious |
Recordset |
Sub |
MoveRecord |
MoveRecord ([ByVal Source As String], [ByVal Destination As String], [ByVal UserName As String], [ByVal Password As String], [ByVal Options As MoveRecordOptionsEnum = adMoveUnspecified], [ByVal Async As BooleanFalso]) As String |
Record |
Function |
MovimientoInventario |
MovimientoInventario (strArticulo As String, strClaveAdd As String, dblCantidad As Double, intAlmacen As Integer, strEntradaSalida As String, strTipoMovim As String, lngNumMovim As Long, dFecha As Date, [Id_salida As Long], [id_entrada As Long], [dblCosto As Double], [Kit As Integer]) |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Sub |
MsgBox |
MsgBox (Prompt, [ByVal Buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly], [Title], [HelpFile], [Context]) As VbMsgBoxResult |
Interaction |
Function |
Muestra |
Muestra |
BCalculator |
Calculator |
Sub |
MuestraAyuda |
MuestraAyuda (Parent As Object, Ambiente As BEnviroment._Ambiente) |
BScripting |
BScript |
Sub |
MuestraBusqueda |
MuestraBusqueda (strFiltro) As String |
BBusquedaModelos |
Bmodelos |
Function |
MuestraCobroEncaja |
MuestraCobroEncaja |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
MuestraEditor |
MuestraEditor ([strFormato As String], [Clasificacion As String], [bolModal As BooleanFalso], [Parent As Object], [Linea As Long]) |
Sub |
MuestraEditorFormas |
MuestraEditorFormas ([strForma As String], [bolModal As BooleanFalso], [Linea As Long]) |
Sub |
MuestraPendientes |
MuestraPendientes |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Sub |
MuestraVentanaDeAyuda |
MuestraVentanaDeAyuda (Forma As Object, ByVal Ambiente As Object) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
MultiLineComments1 |
MultiLineComments1 As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
MultiLineComments2 |
MultiLineComments2 As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
MyMessage |
MyMessage (strMensaje As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
MyMessage2 |
MyMessage2 (strMensaje As String, [DefaultButton As Integer1]) As Integer |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
MyUser |
MyUser As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Name |
Name As String |
BVentas |
clsTextBox |
Function |
NativeError |
NativeError As Long |
Error |
Function |
NewCS1504 |
NewCS1504 As _SymbolCS1504 |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NewCol |
NewCol (cTitulo As String, cData As String, bolTotal As Boolean, [nAncho As Double], [Formato As String]) As _Columna |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
NewCollection |
NewCollection As VBA._Collection |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NewDrillDown |
NewDrillDown As DrillDownDB._DrillDown |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NewFile |
NewFile |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NewFso |
NewFso As Scripting.IFileSystem3 |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NewInforme |
NewInforme As Object |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NewPing |
NewPing As _Ping |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NewReport |
NewReport As _Reporte |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
NewSQLAnalizer |
NewSQLAnalizer As _SQLanalizer |
BScripting |
BScript |
Function |
NewTextData |
NewTextData As Object |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NextRecordset |
NextRecordset ([RecordsAffected]) As _Recordset |
Recordset |
Function |
NivelDeCuenta |
NivelDeCuenta (cCuentaNivel1 As String, cCuentaNivel2 As String, cCuentaNivel3 As String, cCuentaNivel4 As String, cCuentaNivel5 As String) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
NoConfirm |
NoConfirm As Boolean |
BQueryBuilder |
APIFile |
Function |
NoConfirmMakeDir |
NoConfirmMakeDir As Boolean |
BQueryBuilder |
APIFile |
Function |
NoMovim |
NoMovim As String |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
Normalize |
Normalize |
CodeSense |
Range |
Sub |
NormalizeCase |
NormalizeCase As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Now |
Now |
DateTime |
Function |
NuevaCompra |
NuevaCompra |
BCompras |
Compras |
Sub |
NuevaDevolucion |
NuevaDevolucion |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
NuevaEntrada |
NuevaEntrada |
BEntradasSalidas |
EntradasSalidas |
Sub |
NuevaLinea |
NuevaLinea |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
NuevaMarca |
NuevaMarca |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
NuevaOrden |
NuevaOrden |
BOrdenes |
Ordenes |
Sub |
NuevaSalida |
NuevaSalida |
BEntradasSalidas |
EntradasSalidas |
Sub |
NuevaUbicacion |
NuevaUbicacion |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
NuevaVenta |
NuevaVenta ([Tipo As String]) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
NuevoAbono |
NuevoAbono ([bolModal As BooleanFalso]) |
BCuenxpag |
Cuenxpag |
Sub |
NuevoAbonoParaCobranza |
NuevoAbonoParaCobranza (nCobranza As Long, [nVenta As Long], [Dialogo As BooleanFalso]) |
BCobranza |
Cobranza |
Sub |
NuevoCargo |
NuevoCargo ([bolModal As BooleanFalso]) |
BCobranza |
Cobranza |
Sub |
NuevoCliente |
NuevoCliente ([Clasificacion As String], [objControl As Object], [bolModal As BooleanFalso]) |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Sub |
NuevoPedido |
NuevoPedido |
BPedidos |
Pedidos |
Sub |
NuevoProducto |
NuevoProducto ([Clasificacion As String], [objControl As Object]) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
NuevoVendedor |
NuevoVendedor ([objControl As Object], [bolModal As BooleanFalso]) |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Sub |
NumberOfBarCode |
NumberOfBarCode As Long |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
NumericScale |
NumericScale As Byte |
Parameter |
Function |
ODBC As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
ODBCString |
ODBCString As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Observ |
Observ As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
ObtenerCatalogo |
ObtenerCatalogo (Connection As ADODB._Connection) As ADOX._Catalog |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
OnTop |
OnTop (f As Object) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
OpenFile |
OpenFile (strFile, n As Integer) As Integer |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
OpenSchema |
OpenSchema (ByVal Schema As SchemaEnum, [ByVal Restrictions], [ByVal SchemaID]) As _Recordset |
Connection |
Function |
Operators |
Operators As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
OrdenesAutomaticas |
OrdenesAutomaticas |
BOrdenes |
Ordenes |
Sub |
Order |
Order As String |
BScripting |
SQLanalizer |
Function |
OriginalValue |
OriginalValue |
Field |
Function |
Out |
Out (cPuerto, cCode) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
OutFile |
OutFile (cFile, cCode) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
OutLine |
OutLine (cPuerto, cCode) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
Overtype |
Overtype As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
OvertypeCaret |
OvertypeCaret As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
PCircle |
PCircle (bLeft, bTop, bRadius) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
PadL |
PadL (str, nVeces) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
PadR |
PadR (str, nVeces) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
PageCount |
PageCount As Long |
Recordset |
Function |
PageSize |
PageSize As Long |
Recordset |
Function |
PaginaNueva |
PaginaNueva |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Paginas |
Paginas As Long |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Pantalla |
Pantalla As Boolean |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
PapelAncho |
PapelAncho As Double |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
PapelLargo |
PapelLargo As Double |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
PapelTipo |
PapelTipo As Long |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
PaperOrientation |
PaperOrientation As Integer |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Param1 |
Param1 As Boolean |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
Param2 |
Param2 As Boolean |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
ParamData |
ParamData As _ParamData |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
ParametrosRequeridos |
ParametrosRequeridos ([pQueryIni As String], [pLeyendaIni As String], [pQueryFin As String], [pLeyendaFin As String], [pQueryIni2 As String], [pLeyendaIni2 As String], [pQueryFin2 As String], [pLeyendaFin2 As String], [Fechas As BooleanFalso], [pCheck As BooleanFalso], [pCheckValue As BooleanFalso], [pCheckLeyend As String]) |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Sub |
Parent |
Parent As Object |
BClientes |
Clientes |
Function |
ParentURL |
ParentURL As String |
Record |
Function |
Partition |
Partition (Number, Start, Stop, Interval) |
Interaction |
Function |
PathCollection |
PathCollection As VBA._Collection |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
Perfil |
Perfil As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Paths |
Function |
Picture |
Picture (picSource, ByVal pLeft, ByVal pTop, ByVal pWidth, ByVal pHeight) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
PlaySound |
PlaySound (cFile) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
PonLetra |
PonLetra (Numero As Double, Leyenda As String, bolDecimales As Boolean, [strMoneda As String]) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
PopUp |
PopUp (ByVal Text As String) As Long |
BVentas |
chmHelpVentas |
Function |
PorSurtir |
PorSurtir (strArticulo As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection) As Double |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
PortComm |
PortComm As Long |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
Portrait |
Portrait |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
PosFromChar |
PosFromChar (ByVal pPos As IPosition) As IRect |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
PowerDown |
PowerDown |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
PrCantidad |
PrCantidad As Double |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
PreciosPorSucursal |
PreciosPorSucursal (cArticulo As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
Precision |
Precision As Byte |
Parameter |
Function |
Prepara |
Prepara (cString As String) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Prepared |
Prepared As Boolean |
Command |
Function |
Presentaciones |
Presentaciones (cArticulo As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
Preview |
Preview (strTipo As String, strCodigo, Ambiente As BEnviroment._Ambiente, Parent As Object, [strProceso As String], [Observaciones As String]) |
BScripting |
BScript |
Sub |
PrimerDiaDelaSemana |
PrimerDiaDelaSemana (dFecha As Date) As Date |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Principal |
Principal As Boolean |
BQueryBuilder |
BTables |
Function |
PrintContents |
PrintContents (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
PrintText |
PrintText (PrintVar) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ProcConfig |
ProcConfig As Boolean |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
Process |
Process As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
ProtectSpreadsheet |
ProtectSpreadsheet As Boolean |
BExcel |
ExcelFile |
Function |
Proveedores |
Proveedores (cArticulo As String) |
BArticulos |
Articulos |
Sub |
Provider |
Provider As String |
Connection |
Function |
Psw |
Psw As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
PublicKey |
PublicKey As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
Puerto |
Puerto As Long |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
QBColor |
QBColor (ByVal Color As Integer) As Long |
Information |
Function |
Query |
Query As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
QueryFin |
QueryFin As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
QueryFin2 |
QueryFin2 As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
QueryIni |
QueryIni As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
QueryIni2 |
QueryIni2 As String |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
Question |
Question (strMensaje As String, [DefaultButton As Integer1]) As Boolean |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Question2 |
Question2 (strMensaje As String, [DefaultButton As Integer1]) As Integer |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Quote |
Quote (cBlock As String) As String |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Raise |
Raise (ByVal Number As Long, [Source], [Description], [HelpFile], [HelpContext]) |
ErrObject |
Sub |
Random |
Random As Double |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
RandomColor |
RandomColor As Long |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Function |
Randomize |
Randomize ([Number]) |
Math |
Sub |
RawData |
RawData As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
Read |
Read ([ByVal NumBytes As Long-1]) |
Stream |
Function |
ReadData |
ReadData |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
ReadLine |
ReadLine (n As Integer) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
ReadRawData |
ReadRawData |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
ReadText |
ReadText ([ByVal NumChars As Long-1]) As String |
Stream |
Function |
RecordType |
RecordType As RecordTypeEnum |
Record |
Function |
RecordsAfected |
RecordsAfected As Long |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
Redo |
Redo |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
RegisterCommand |
RegisterCommand (ByVal lCmdId As Long, ByVal strName As String, ByVal strDescription As String) |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Sub |
RegisterHotKey |
RegisterHotKey (ByVal pHotKey As IHotKey, ByVal lCmd As cmCommand) |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Sub |
RegisterLanguage |
RegisterLanguage (ByVal strName As String, ByVal LanguageDef As ILanguage) |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Sub |
RegistroDeProcesos |
RegistroDeProcesos As Boolean |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
RegresaFormaXY |
RegresaFormaXY (Form As Object, ByVal Ambiente As Object, [strSubForm As String]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
RegresaLotes |
RegresaLotes (nSalida As Long, ByVal Ambiente As Long) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
Relation |
Relation As String |
BQueryBuilder |
BTables |
Function |
RelationType |
RelationType As String |
BQueryBuilder |
BTables |
Function |
RemoteStation |
RemoteStation As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Paths |
Function |
Remove |
Remove (Index) |
Collection |
Sub |
RemoveDIR |
RemoveDIR (path As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
RenameFile |
RenameFile (Filename As String, Target As String) |
BQueryBuilder |
APIFile |
Sub |
RenameOnCollision |
RenameOnCollision As Boolean |
BQueryBuilder |
APIFile |
Function |
Reordena |
Reordena As Long |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
ReplText |
ReplText As String |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
ReplaceMRUList |
ReplaceMRUList As String |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Function |
ReplacePreserveCase |
ReplacePreserveCase As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
ReplaceSel |
ReplaceSel (ByVal strText As String) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
ReplaceString |
ReplaceString (strSearch As String, strSearchFor As String, strReplaceWith As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Replicate |
Replicate (cChar As String, nVeces As Long) As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
ReporteEnBlanco |
ReporteEnBlanco (Ambiente As BEnviroment._Ambiente, [Parent As Object]) |
BScripting |
BScript |
Sub |
Requery |
Requery ([ByVal Options As Long-1]) |
Recordset |
Sub |
ResetDefaultHotKeys |
ResetDefaultHotKeys |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Sub |
RestauraPapel |
RestauraPapel |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Restore |
Restore |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
Result |
Result As Long |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
ResultSet |
ResultSet As ADODB._Recordset |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Function |
Resync |
Resync ([ByVal AffectRecords As AffectEnum = adAffectAll], [ByVal ResyncValues As ResyncEnum = adResyncAllValues]) |
Recordset |
Sub |
Retrieve |
Retrieve |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
RetrieveColumns |
RetrieveColumns |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Sub |
RetriveQuery |
RetriveQuery (strFile As String) |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
RetsultString |
RetsultString As String |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Function |
ReturnValue |
ReturnValue As Double |
BCalculator |
Calculator |
Function |
RigthMargin |
RigthMargin As Double |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
RmDir |
RmDir (ByVal Path As String) |
FileSystem |
Sub |
Rnd |
Rnd ([Number]) As Single |
Math |
Function |
RollbackTrans |
RollbackTrans |
Connection |
Sub |
RowDetail |
RowDetail As Double |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
RowTitulo |
RowTitulo As Double |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
RowTitulo2 |
RowTitulo2 As Double |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
RowTitulo3 |
RowTitulo3 As Double |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
RstRO |
RstRO (strSql As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection, [bolPantalla As BooleanVerdadero]) As ADODB._Recordset |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
RunForm |
RunForm (strProceso As String, Parent As Object, Ambiente As BEnviroment._Ambiente, [cCodigo], [bolModal As BooleanVerdadero]) |
BScripting |
BScript |
Sub |
RunProcess |
RunProcess (strProceso As String, Parent As Object, Ambiente As BEnviroment._Ambiente, [cCodigo], [anyObject As Object], [ErrorPantalla As BooleanVerdadero], [Timer As BooleanFalso], [EntryPoint As String], [strEvento As String]) |
BScripting |
BScript |
Sub |
SQL As String |
BScripting |
SQLanalizer |
Function |
SQLReport |
SQLReport (reportName As String, Ambiente As BEnviroment._Ambiente) |
BScripting |
BScript |
Sub |
SalidaPeps |
SalidaPeps (nConsec As Long) As Double |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
SalidaPromedio |
SalidaPromedio (nConsec As Long) As Double |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
SalidaUeps |
SalidaUeps (nConsec As Long) As Double |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
SalvaFormaXY |
SalvaFormaXY (Form As Object, ByVal Ambiente As Object, [strSubForm As String”frmMaster”]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
SalvaHistCamb |
SalvaHistCamb (articulo As String, precio1 As Double, precio2 As Double, precio3 As Double, precio4 As Double, precio5 As Double, precio6 As Double, precio7 As Double, precio8 As Double, precio9 As Double, precio10 As Double, [ByVal Ambiente As Double]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
SalvaVenta |
SalvaVenta (rstVenta As ADODB._Recordset) |
BVentas |
Ventas |
Sub |
SaveFile |
SaveFile (ByVal strFileName As String, ByVal bClearUndo As Boolean) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SaveProcess |
SaveProcess (cProcess As String) |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
SaveQuery |
SaveQuery |
BQueryBuilder |
Query |
Sub |
SaveSetting |
SaveSetting (ByVal AppName As String, ByVal Section As String, ByVal Key As String, ByVal Setting As String) |
Interaction |
Sub |
SaveToFile |
SaveToFile (ByVal FileName As String, [ByVal Options As SaveOptionsEnum = adSaveCreateNotExist]) |
Stream |
Sub |
Say |
Say (y, x, strMensaje) |
BImpresora |
Impresora |
Sub |
Sc |
Sc As MSScriptControl.IScriptControl |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
Sc1 |
Sc1 As MSScriptControl.IScriptControl |
BReportes |
Reporte |
Function |
ScopeKeywords1 |
ScopeKeywords1 As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
ScopeKeywords2 |
ScopeKeywords2 As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
ScriptControl1 |
ScriptControl1 As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
SearchCaseSensitive |
SearchCaseSensitive As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
SearchRegExp |
SearchRegExp As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
SearchWholeWord |
SearchWholeWord As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
Second |
Second (Time) |
DateTime |
Function |
Seek |
Seek (ByVal KeyValues, [ByVal SeekOption As SeekEnum = adSeekFirstEQ]) |
Recordset |
Sub |
SelBounds |
SelBounds As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
SelLength |
SelLength As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
SelLengthLogical |
SelLengthLogical As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
SelText |
SelText As String |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
SelectLine |
SelectLine (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal bMakeVisible As Boolean) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SelectedItem |
SelectedItem As Long |
CodeSense |
CodeList |
Function |
SendSpecialKey |
SendSpecialKey (strKey As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
Separador |
Separador (Separator As String, strSearch As String, List() As String) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
SeparadorDecimal |
SeparadorDecimal As String |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Servidor |
Servidor As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
SetAllBookmarks |
SetAllBookmarks (Lines() As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetAttr |
SetAttr (ByVal PathName As String, ByVal Attributes As VbFileAttribute) |
FileSystem |
Sub |
SetBookmark |
SetBookmark (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal bVal As Boolean) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetCaretPos |
SetCaretPos (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal lCol As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetColor |
SetColor (ByVal lColorItem As cmColorItem, ByVal crColor As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetColumnWidth |
SetColumnWidth (FirstColumn As Byte, LastColumn As Byte, WidthValue As Integer) |
BExcel |
ExcelFile |
Function |
SetDTR |
SetDTR (ByVal nOnOff As Long) |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
SetDateTime |
SetDateTime (lngYear As Integer, lngMonth As Integer, lngDay As Integer, lngHoras As Integer, lngMinutos As Integer, lngSegundos As Integer) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
SetDefaults |
SetDefaults |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
SetDivider |
SetDivider (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal bVal As Boolean) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetDlgParent |
SetDlgParent (ByVal lhWnd As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetEOS |
SetEOS |
Stream |
Sub |
SetFilePassword |
SetFilePassword (PasswordText As String) As Integer |
BExcel |
ExcelFile |
Function |
SetFont |
SetFont (FontName As String, FontHeight As Integer, FontFormat As FontFormatting) As Integer |
BExcel |
ExcelFile |
Function |
SetFontStyle |
SetFontStyle (ByVal lFontStyleItem As cmFontStyleItem, ByVal byFontStyle As cmFontStyle) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetFooter |
SetFooter (FooterText As String) As Integer |
BExcel |
ExcelFile |
Function |
SetHeader |
SetHeader (HeaderText As String) As Integer |
BExcel |
ExcelFile |
Function |
SetHidden |
SetHidden (filename As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
SetHotKeys |
SetHotKeys (HotKeysBuff() As Byte) |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Sub |
SetItemData |
SetItemData (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal lData As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetLineStyle |
SetLineStyle (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal lStyle As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetMacro |
SetMacro (ByVal lMacro As Long, MacroBuff() As Byte) |
CodeSense |
Globals |
Sub |
SetMargin |
SetMargin (Margin As MarginTypes, MarginValue As Double) As Integer |
BExcel |
ExcelFile |
Function |
SetMarginImages |
SetMarginImages (ByVal lLine As Long, ByVal byImages As Byte) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetNormal |
SetNormal (filename As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
SetParam |
SetParam (nParam As Long, szString As String, nMaxLength As Long) |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
SetReadOnly |
SetReadOnly (filename As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
SetRetryCount |
SetRetryCount (nRetryCount As Long) |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
SetSel |
SetSel (ByVal Sel As IRange, ByVal bMakeVisible As Boolean) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
SetSystem |
SetSystem (filename As String) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
SetTime |
SetTime |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
SetTopIndex |
SetTopIndex (ByVal lView As Long, ByVal lLine As Long) |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Sub |
Sgn |
Sgn (Number) |
Math |
Function |
Shell |
Shell (PathName, [ByVal WindowStyle As VbAppWinStyle = vbMinimizedFocus]) As Double |
Interaction |
Function |
ShellCommand |
ShellCommand (strCommand As String, intProperty) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ShellRun |
ShellRun (hWnd As Long, Operation As String, FileURL As String, [Param As String], [Direc As String], [ShowComand As Long]) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
ShellSortAny |
ShellSortAny (vArray, [ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending]) |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Sub |
ShowData |
ShowData |
prjMultiCombo |
MultiCombo |
Sub |
SiguienteIdModulo |
SiguienteIdModulo (strModulo As String, Connection As ADODB._Connection) As Long |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
Silent |
Silent As Boolean |
BQueryBuilder |
APIFile |
Function |
SimpleProgress |
SimpleProgress As Boolean |
BQueryBuilder |
APIFile |
Function |
Sin |
Sin (ByVal Number As Double) As Double |
Math |
Function |
SingleLineComments |
SingleLineComments As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
SkipLine |
SkipLine |
Stream |
Sub |
SmoothScrolling |
SmoothScrolling As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
SocketCliente |
SocketCliente As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
SocketClientes |
SocketClientes As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
SocketServidor |
SocketServidor As Object |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
SoloRecalculo |
SoloRecalculo As Boolean |
BInventario |
Inventario |
Function |
SoloSeleccionados |
SoloSeleccionados As Boolean |
BImpresora |
ParamData |
Function |
SortAscending |
SortAscending = 0 |
BLibreria |
SortOrder |
Const |
SortDescending |
SortDescending = 1 |
BLibreria |
SortOrder |
Const |
SortStyle |
SortStyle As cmCodeListSortStyle |
CodeSense |
CodeList |
Function |
Sqr |
Sqr (ByVal Number As Double) As Double |
Math |
Function |
Sqr2 |
Sqr2 (nDato) As Double |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
StartColNo |
StartColNo As Long |
CodeSense |
Range |
Function |
StartLineNo |
StartLineNo As Long |
CodeSense |
Range |
Function |
StartPolling |
StartPolling (ByVal csp2CallBack As Long) |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
State |
State As ObjectStateEnum |
Stream |
Function |
StayInSync |
StayInSync As Boolean |
Recordset |
Function |
StdDev |
StdDev (a) As Double |
BLibreria |
DISLibreria |
Function |
StealKeys |
StealKeys As Boolean |
CodeSense |
CodeSense |
Function |
StopPolling |
StopPolling |
BLibreria |
SymbolCS1504 |
Sub |
StrComp |
StrComp (String1, String2, [ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare]) |
Strings |
Function |
StrReverse |
StrReverse (ByVal Expression As String) As String |
Strings |
Function |
StringDelims |
StringDelims As String |
CodeSense |
Language |
Function |
SubPerfil |
SubPerfil As String |
BQueryBuilder |
Paths |
Function |
Sucursal |
Sucursal As String |
BEnviroment |
Ambiente |
Function |
catalogo abarrotes 29/32
Descripcion Articulo ClaveProdServ ClaveUnidad |
YOGHURT DAN UP XL PINA COCO 450 GR /1 7501032334994 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA NATURAL 240 GR /1 7501032396107 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT EL SABINO CUBETA DURAZNO1X4L& 4 LT /1 2563397365 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT EL SABINO CUBETA FRESA1X4L& 4 LT /1 2563397357 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA CIRUELA PASA 240 GR /1 7501032396114 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA FRESA 240 GR /1 7501032396121 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA PERA 240 GR /1 7501032396138 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA PAPAYA FIBRAS 240 GR /1 7501032396145 50131700 H87 |
LICUADO DANONE ACTIVIA FRESA PLATANO 240 GR /1 7501032396152 50192303 KGM |
LICUADO DANONE ACTIVIA PINA APIO NOP 240 GR /1 7501032396169 50192303 KGM |
LICUADO DANONE ACTIVIA NUEZ PLAT CER 240 GR /1 7501032396176 50192303 KGM |
LICUADO DANONE ACTIVIA MANZ LINAZA 240 GR /1 7501032396183 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT DAN UP FRESA 240 GR /1 7501032396275 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DAN UP PINA COCO 240 GR /1 7501032396282 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DAN UP K-PUCHIDO 240 GR /1 7501032396299 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONINO DURAZNO1X180G& 180 GR /1 7501032340216 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONINO FRESA 180 GR /1 7501032340018 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DAN UP Q-KIS CREMOSAS 240 GR /1 7501032396305 50131700 H87 |
BOONE S FRESA 12X750ML*& 750 ML /12 085000007303 50202207 X4G |
YOGHURT LALA MANGO1X1KG** 1 KG /1 7501020510881 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT LALA MANZANA 1 KG /1 7501020510607 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT LALA NATURAL 1 KG /1 7501020510614 50131700 H87 |
QUESO ALPURA PANELA 400 GR /1 7501055901777 50131800 EA |
QUESO ALPURA OAXACA 400 GR /1 7501055901760 50131800 EA |
YOGHURT LIQUIDO BONAFINA FRESA SLIM 450 GR /20 7501032606701 50131701 KGM |
YOGHURT LIQUIDO BONAFINA PINA COCO 450 GR /20 7501032606695 50131701 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT LICUADO FRES/CEREALES 330 GR /1 7501040093197 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT LICUADO NUEZ Y GRANOLA 330 GR /1 7501040093838 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI DE DURAZNO 100 GR /1 7501040092794 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI DE UVA 100 GR /1 7501040092992 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT NESTLE LICUADO MANZ/PLATANO 230 ML /1 7501092304203 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI BATIDO UVA 90 GR /1 7501040092985 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI BATIDO FRESA 90 GR /1 7501040092602 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT VALNA DURAZNO1X1L& 1 LT /1 7503006027079 50192303 H87 |
YOGHURT VALNA FRESA1X1L& 1 LT /1 7503006027031 50192303 H87 |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI BATIDO DURAZNO 90 GR /1 7501040092800 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT GRIEGO MORAS 220 GR /1 7501040092879 50192303 KGM |
CREMA KNORR CHAMPI?ON24X500ML& 500 ML /24 7501005127516 50131703 EA |
PROD LACTEO ALPURA FRUTAL FRESA 1 LT /1 7501055903788 50131700 LTR |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT GRIEGO FRESA 220 GR /1 7501040092886 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT PLACER MOUSSE GUAYABA 145 GR /1 7501040092909 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT LALA P/BEB COCO 1X250ML& 240 ML /1 7501020510935 50131700 H87 |
QUESO LALA MANCHEGO 200 GR /1 7501020512250 50131802 XPX |
YOGHURT LALA P/BEB MANGO 240 GR /1 7501020539387 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT PLACER NUEZ 145 GR /1 7501040092916 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT LALA BATIDO CEREAL 1X1K G &+ 1 KG /1 7501020513639 50131700 H87 |
FLAN VAINILLA LALA 2 PACK 2 PZ /1 7501020512908 50192400 XBX |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT PLACER BANANA SPLIT 145 GR /1 7501040093203 50192303 KGM |
QUESO AMARILLO EUGENIA 1.8 KG 1 KG /1 7501475603565 50131802 KGM |
YAKULT SOFUL PARA BEBER NATURAL 208 GR /1 7501025511319 50202307 H87 |
YAKULT SOFUL PARA BEBER FRESA 209 GR /1 7501025511326 50131700 H87 |
YAKULT SOFUL PARA BEBER MANGO 209 GR /1 7501025511333 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA CIRUELA PASA 0% 240 GR /1 7501032341039 50131700 H87 |
QUESILLO CAMPERLAC 200 GR /1 750301113511 50131801 KGM |
QUESILLO CAMPERLAC 500 GR /1 7503011135059 50131801 KGM |
QUESILLOS CAMPERLAC GRANEL 1 KG /1 7503011135066 50131801 KGM |
CREMA ALIANZA CAMPERLAC 125 ML /1 7503011135509 50131703 EA |
CREMA ALIANZA CAMPERLAC 250 ML /1 7503011135106 50131703 EA |
CREMA ALIANZA GRANEL CAMPERLAC 1 KG /1 7503011135530 50131703 EA |
QUESO COSTENO GRANEL CAMPERLAC 1 KG /1 7503011135233 50131801 KGM |
QUESO DOBLE CREMA ENCHILADO CAMPERLAC 200 GR /1 7503011135325 50131801 KGM |
QUESO DOBLE CREMA ENCHILADO CAMPERLAC 500 GR /1 7503011135202 50131801 KGM |
YOGURT NATURAL FRESA CAMPERLAC 250 ML /1 7503011135608 50192303 KGM |
YOGURT NATURAL PINA CAMPERLAC 250 ML /1 7503011135660 50192303 KGM |
YOGURT NATURAL DURAZNO CAMPERLAC 250 ML /1 7503011135639 50192303 KGM |
YOGURT NATURAL FRESA CAMPERLAC 1000 ML /1 7503011135615 50131801 KGM |
YOGURT NATURAL DURAZNO CAMPERLAC 1000 ML /1 7503011135646 50192303 KGM |
YOPGURT NATURAL PINA CAMPERLAR 1000 ML /1 7503011135677 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT DANONINO FRESA 168 GR /1 7501032397609 50131700 H87 |
MARGARINA LA VILLITA S/SAL 8214 90 GR /1 7501040082146 50131701 KGM |
MARGARINA DAYSI MULTIUSOS 1 KG /1 7501475600274 50131701 KGM |
QUESILLO POMBO PAQUETE 200 GR /1 7501510699010 50131802 XPK |
LACTIGUR FRESA CON CEREAL 150 GR /1 7501104000017 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT LALA BEBIBLE FRUGGIS FRESA 150 ML /1 750102533699 50131700 H87 |
CREMA DEL CAMPO 250 GR /1 7501059233522 50131703 EA |
QUESO GOUDA CHILENO 1 KG /1 9700092067600 50131802 XPX |
YOGHURT DANONINO FRESA+ CEREAL 138 GR /1 7501032341237 50131700 H87 |
CREMA ACIDA LALA REDUCIDA EN GRASAS 200 ML /1 7501020514056 50131703 EA |
YOGHURT DANONE LICUADO NUEZ CEREAL 450 GR /1 7501032332433 50131700 H87 |
LICUATTO MANZANA C/ CEREALES 250 ML /1 7501209701321 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT PLACER PAY DE LIMON 145 GR /1 7501040093227 50192303 KGM |
BOLI YOGHURT VAKITA MUU 20 PZ /1 7501227002783 50192303 KGM |
QUESO MANCHEGO BARRA 1 KG /1 7501040081248 50131800 KGM |
CREMA CHIPILO TRADICIONAL FRASCO 200 GR /1 7503018985008 50131703 EA |
QUESO RANCHERO AMERICANO 6X1800KG 1 KG /1 9700092075500 50131801 KGM |
QUESO FUD TIPO MANCHEGO 8376 400 GR /1 7501040083761 50131800 KGM |
QUESO KRAFT PHILADELPHIA CREMA 90 GR /1 7622210265999 50131800 XBX |
QUESO HOLANDES T.ROON & FILS 800 GR /1 7503003312093 50131802 KGM |
QUESO CREMA LECHEF 1360 GR /10 7501013610567 50131801 KGM |
DANONE FRESA SABORIZADO 120 GR /1 7501032332440 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT DELIGHURT FRESA 950 GR /1 7501209701345 50192303 H87 |
YOGHURT DELIGHURT NUEZ 950 GR /1 7501209701680 50192303 H87 |
YOGHURT DELIGHURT DURAZNO 950 GR /1 7501209701352 50192303 H87 |
YOGHURT DELIGHURT NATURAL 950 GR /1 7501209701437 50192303 H87 |
YOGHURT P/ BEBER SHEIK DURAZNO 250 ML /1 7501209701215 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT P/ BEBER SHEIK CIRUELA 250 ML /1 7501209702144 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT P/ BEBER SHEIK FRESA 250 ML /1 7501209701208 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT P/ BEBER SHEIK PINA COCO 250 ML /1 7501209701239 50131700 H87 |
QUESO KRAFT P/UNTAR 150 GR /24 7622300338893 50131800 XBX |
QUESO KRAFT SINGLES MANCHEGO REB 18GR 8 PZ /24 7622300337698 50131800 XBX |
QUESO AMERICANO REBANADO COUNTRY VALE 1X1800 1 KG /1 7501040084218 50131802 KGM |
MARGARINA UNT LA VILLITA S/S 8224 400 GR /1 7501040082245 50131701 KGM |
QUESO MANCHEGO CAPERUCITA 200 GR /1 7501002260452 50131800 KGM |
CREMA LA ABUELITA ACIDIFIDIFICADA 400 GR /1 7501013610789 50131703 EA |
MANTEQUILLA LA ABUELITA UNTABLE 250 GR /24 7501013610697 50131703 EA |
MANTEQUILLA LA ABUELITA EN BARRA 90 GR /24 7501013620276 50131701 KGM |
QUESO AMERICANO CAPERUCITA 180 GR /1 7501002225062 50131802 KGM |
QUESO DE REYES ETLA 300 GR /1 619312000167 50131802 XPK |
QUESO DE REYES ETLA 800 GR /1 619312000174 50131802 XPK |
QUESO REYES ETLA BOTANERO 450 GR /1 619312000181 50131802 XPK |
CREMA DE LECHE REYES ETLA 250 GR /1 619312000150 50131703 EA |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT PLACER COCO 145 GR /1 7501040092565 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT FRESA 242 GR /1 7501040092176 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT PINA COCO 242 GR /1 7501040092336 50192303 H87 |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT BEBER DURAZNO 242 GR /1 7501040092360 50192303 H87 |
QUESO D2D LIVI 168 GR /6 75022235 50131801 KGM |
CHOCOLATE NIKOLO 21GR 30 PZ /16 7502230945524 50161813 XBX |
ADEREZO P/NACHOS LA FRANJA 1 KG /10 7501077508916 50171832 XBX |
BURRITO DESHEBRADA CHIPOTLE 110 GR /1 7501040032226 50192702 KGM |
YAKULT SOFUL NATURAL S/AZUCAR 1 PZ /1 7501025511272 50131700 H87 |
YAKULT SOFUL FRESA S/AZUCAR 1 PZ /1 7501025511289 50131700 H87 |
YAKULT SOFUL MANGO S/AZUCAR 1 PZ /1 7501025511302 50131700 H87 |
YAKULT SOFUL MANZANA S/AZUCAR 1 PZ /1 7501025511296 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT ALPURA YOFRUT FRESA 150 GR /1 7501055905928 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT ALPURA YOFRUT DURAZNO 150 GR /1 7501055905935 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT ALPURA YOFRUT MANGO 150 GR /1 7501055907014 50131700 EA |
QUESO LCASTELL AMARILLO REBANADO 180 GR /10 7503018985664 50131701 XBX |
QUESO LA NORIA REAL FRESCO 300 GR /1 7506343200525 50131800 XBX |
QUESO LCASTELL AMARILLO REB 1.8 KG 1 KG /1 7503018985138 50131701 KGM |
YOGHURT BONAFINA FRESA 20 PZ /5 7501032601843 50131701 KGM |
YOGHURT BONAFINA PINA COCO 20 PZ /5 7501032601850 50131701 KGM |
QUESO CASA BLANCA AMARILLO REB 1.75KG 1 KG /1 7501639303003 50131801 XPK |
YOGHURT DANONINO BEBIBLE FRESA 90 GR /1 7501032395933 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT DISFRUTA ZARZAMORA 145 GR /1 7501040092954 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT GRIEGO BATIDO MORAS 145 GR /1 7501040092848 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT GRIEGO BATIDO FRESA 145 GR /1 7501040092855 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT GRIEGO BATIDO NATURAL 145 GR /1 7501040092862 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT DISFRUTA FRESA 442 GR /1 7501040092787 50192303 KGM |
QUESO FRANJA AMERIC SANDWICHERO1.8KG 1 KG /1 7501077508893 50131800 KGM |
MARGARINA CHIPILO S/SAL 225 GR /9 7503018985534 50131701 KGM |
MARGARINA CHIPILO S/SAL 1 KG /10 7503018985541 50131701 KGM |
MARGARINA CHIPILO S/SAL 90 GR /24 7503018985527 50131701 KGM |
QUESO P/NACHOS BACHI 950 GR /8 9700092098000 50131801 XPX |
QUESO LA VILLITA MANCHEGO 3.3KG 8125 1 KG /1 7501040081255 50131800 KGM |
QUESO LA VILLITA GOUDA 3KG 8004 1 KG /1 7501040080043 50131800 KGM |
QUESO LA VILLITA PANELA 400GR 8110 2 PZ /1 7501040081101 50131800 KGM |
QUESO LOS VOLCANES PANELA 1 KG 1 PZ /1 7501020514643 50131800 KGM |
CREMA LOS VOLCANES ACIDA 400 ML /1 7501020544961 50131701 KGM |
YOGHURT ALPURA NATURAL 150 GR /1 7501055901180 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT GRIEGO PINA COCO 220 GR /1 7501040093357 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT PLACER BROWNIE 145 GR /1 7501040093456 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI BATID COOKI&CREAM 270 GR /1 7501040094163 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI BATIDO FRESA 270 GR /1 7501040092824 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI BATIDO BANANA 270 GR /1 7501040093319 50192303 KGM |
QUESO ESTILO RALLADO CATAVINA 1KG 1 KG /1 7503003118411 50131800 KGM |
QUESO SANTO DOMINGO PARA FUNDIR 2.5KG 1 KG /1 9700092099600 50131801 KGM |
QUESO OAXACA SANTO DOMINGO 5KG 1 KG /1 9700092099700 50131801 KGM |
QUESO PANELA SANTO DOMINGO 2KG 1 KG /1 9700092099800 50131800 KGM |
CREMA SANTO DOMINGO 1RA 250 GR /1 9700092099900 50131703 EA |
CREMA SANTO DOMINGO PREMIUM 250 GR /1 9700092100000 50131703 EA |
CREMA RANCHERITA VEGETAL 450 GR /24 7501032600716 50131701 KGM |
CREMA PRIMAVERA MENONITA ENTERA 200 GR /1 7501642300525 50131701 KGM |
CREMA PRIMAVERA MENONITA ENTERA 450 GR /1 7501642301195 50131701 KGM |
YOGHURT ALPURA BAT FRESA 145 GR /1 7501055909278 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT ALPURA BAT DURAZNO 145 GR /1 7501055909285 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT ALPURA BAT MANGO 145 GR /1 7501055909292 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT ALPURA BAT MANZANA 145 GR /1 7501055909308 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT ALPURA BAT PINA COCO 145 GR /1 7501055909315 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT ALPURA BAT ZARZAMORA 145 GR /1 7501055909322 50131700 EA |
YOGHURT ALPURA BAT FRUTAS DEL BOSQUE 145 GR /1 7501055909339 50131700 EA |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA 0%AZ CIR PASA 225 GR /1 7501032398248 50192303 KGM |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA NUEZ/PLAT/CER 225 GR /1 7501032398200 50192303 KGM |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA MANZ/LINAZA 225 GR /1 7501032398101 50192303 KGM |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA FSA/PLAT/CER 225 GR /1 7501032398088 50192303 KGM |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA FRESA 225 GR /1 7501032398071 50192303 KGM |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA PINA/APIO/NOP 225 GR /1 7501032398224 50192303 KGM |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA PAPAYA/CEREAL 225 GR /1 7501032398217 50192303 KGM |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA CIRUELA PASA 225 GR /1 7501032398255 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT ALPURA BAT LIMON 145 GR /1 7501055909568 50131700 EA |
PROD LACTEO ALPURA FRUTAL FRESA-PLATAN 250 ML /1 7501055909896 50131700 EA |
ADEREZO SAN MILLAN P/NACHOS 1 KG /10 7501519406558 50171832 XBX |
YOGHURT OIKOS FRESA 150 GR /1 7501032395599 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT BENEGASTRO NATURAL 240 GR /1 7501032397869 50131700 H87 |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA MANGO AVENA 225 GR /1 7501032398095 50192303 KGM |
ALIM LACT DANONE ACTIVIA NATURAL 225 GR /1 7501032398194 50192303 KGM |
CREMA BONAMPAK PURA 250 GR /1 1511621002438 50131703 EA |
QUESO BONAMPAK MANCHEGO 250 GR /1 1511621002049 50131802 XPK |
QUESO BONAMPAK DE HEBRA A GRANEL 8KG 1 KG /1 9700092102900 50131802 XPK |
QUESO BONAMPAK COTIJA RECORTE 500 GR /1 1511621002285 50131802 XPK |
QUESO BONAMPAK DE HEBRA 200 GR /1 1511621002445 50131802 XPK |
QUESO CREMA BONAMPAK 250 GR /1 1511621002339 50131801 KGM |
QUESO CREMA BONAMPAK 500 GR /1 9700092103400 50131801 KGM |
QUESO CREMA BONAMPAK 300 GR /1 1511621002353 50131801 KGM |
QUESO BONAMPAK DE HEBRA 500 GR /1 1511621002124 50131802 XPK |
QUESO BONAMPAK ECONOMICO 1 KG /1 1511621002377 50131802 XPK |
QUESO BONAMPAK MANCHEGO RALLADO 500 GR /1 1511621002032 50131802 XPK |
QUESO BONAMPAK PANELA 500 GR /1 1511621002223 50131802 XPK |
QUESO BONAMPAK SECO CHALUPERO RALLADO 250 GR /1 1511621002568 50131802 XPK |
DEDO DE QUESO FUD MOZZARELLA 6P 8345 156 GR /1 7501040083457 50131800 KGM |
YOG YOPLAIT GRIEGO GRANO BLUE/GRAN/VAI 220 GR /1 7501040094385 50201708 KGM |
YOG YOPLAIT GRIEGO P/B GRANO CHIA FRES 220 GR /1 7501040094392 50201708 KGM |
QUESO FUD MOZZARELLA C/10 REB 140 GR /1 7501040083501 50131800 KGM |
QUESO FUD MANCHEGO AHUMADO C/10 REB 140 GR /1 7501040083525 50131800 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT MINI P/B COOK&CREAM 100 GR /1 7501040094156 50192303 KGM |
YOG YOPLAIT GRIEGO GRANOS AMA/QUI/MIE 145 GR /1 7501040094309 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT DISFRUTA P/B FRESA 307 GR /1 7501040094422 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT DISFRUTA P/B MANGO 307 GR /1 7501040094439 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT DISFRUTA P/B BLUEBERRY 307 GR /1 7501040094446 50192303 KGM |
YOG YOPLAIT GRIEG P/B GRAN AMA/QUI/MIE 220 GR /1 7501040094453 50192303 KGM |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA CIRUELA PASA 900 GR /1 7501032398330 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA FRESA 900 GR /1 7501032398316 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE ACTIVIA NATURAL 900 GR /1 7501032398323 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE MANZANA 220 GR /1 7501032398491 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE DURAZNO 900 GR /1 7501032398361 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE FRESA 900 GR /1 7501032398354 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE DURAZNO 220 GR /1 7501032398484 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE FRESA 220 GR /1 7501032398576 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DAN UP K-PUCHIDO 220 GR /1 7501032398620 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DAN UP Q-KIS CREMOSAS 220 GR /1 7501032398637 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DAN UP FRESA BROZA 220 GR /1 7501032398583 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DAN UP PINA COCO 220 GR /1 7501032398606 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE VITALIN FRESA 217 GR /1 7501032398644 50131700 H87 |
QUESO LA JOYA OAXACA 1 KG /1 9700092107000 50131800 KGM |
QUESO LA JOYA DOBLE CREMA 1 KG /1 9700092107100 50131800 KGM |
YOGHURT UNIGHURT C/CEREAL 250 GR /1 7501579922111 50192300 H87 |
YOGHURT UNIGHURT VENECIA FRESA 1 LT /1 7501579919319 50192300 H87 |
YOGHURT UNIGHURT VENECIA DURAZNO 1 LT /1 7501579919333 50192300 H87 |
YOGHURT UNIGHURT VENECIA NUEZ 1 LT /1 7501579919326 50192300 H87 |
YOGHURT NESTLE SVELTY FRESA 225 GR /1 7501059238305 50192300 H87 |
ALIM LACTEO GASTRO PROTECT NATURAL 106 ML /1 7501059230866 50192300 H87 |
YOGHURT YOPLAIT NATURAL 125 GR /1 7501040090707 50192300 H87 |
LICUADO YOGHURT LALA CIRUELA PASA NUEZ 240 GR /1 7501020539363 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT BREAK P/BEB FRESA 330 GR /1 7501020538007 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT BREAK P/BEB PINA COCO 330 GR /1 7501020538014 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT LALA BATIDO FRESA C/GRANOLA 190 GR /1 7501020535266 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT LALA BATIDO FRES C/CEREAL CHOC 100 GR /1 7501020538311 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT LALA BATIDO FRES C/CER COLOR 100 GR /1 7501020538304 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT LALA P/BEBER FRESA 440 GR /1 7501020535754 50131700 H87 |
YOGHURT DANONE BEBIBLE FRESA 900 GR /1 7501032311094 50131700 H87 |
NESTLE CHAMYTO 80 ML /24 7501059270299 50192300 XBX |
LALA BIO BALANCE PINA APIO NOPAL 250 GR /1 7501020538168 50131701 H87 |
LALA BIO BALANCE PAPAYA 250 GR /1 7501020538151 50131701 H87 |
LALACULT NATURAL 80 ML /5 9700092109100 50131701 H87 |
MARGARINA LALA SIN SAL 90 GR /1 7501020535532 50151500 H87 |
QUESO CANBE OAXACA 1 KG 1 PZ /1 7501495600100 73131803 KGM |
QUESO CANBE OAXACA 500 GR /1 7501495600117 73131803 KGM |
QUESO CANBE OAXACA 250 GR /1 7501495600315 73131803 KGM |
QUESO CANBE SOPERO 1 KG 1 PZ /1 7501495600032 73131803 KGM |
QUESO CANBE SOPERO 500 GR /1 7501495600025 73131803 KGM |
QUESO CANBE SOPERO 250 GR /1 7501495600018 73131803 KGM |
QUESO CANBE CREMA 1 KG 1 PZ /1 7501495600087 73131803 KGM |
CREMA KIOSKO SUPREMA ESPECIAL 250 GR /1 9940302002504 50131700 KGM |
CREMA KIOSKO TOTOTLAN 250 GR /1 9940303002503 50131700 KGM |
CREMA KIOSKO MAZAMITLA 250 GR /1 9940304002502 50131700 KGM |
CREMA KIOSKO 250 GR /1 9940301002505 50131700 KGM |
QUESO KIOSKO COTIJA RAYADO 150 GR /1 9980409001505 50131800 KGM |
MARGARINA DELICIA 1 KG /1 7501111033039 50131700 EA |
QUESO KIOSKO ADOBERA PREMIUM 1KG 1 KG /1 9981219010008 50131800 KGM |
QUESO KIOSKO OAXACA 1KG 1 KG /1 9980510010007 50131800 KGM |
QUESO DON LALO ASADERO 1KG 1 KG /1 9980504010006 50131800 KGM |
QUESO KIOSKO PANELA 570 GR 1 KG /1 9980410005707 50131800 KGM |
TOSTADAS TOSTADIN HORNEADAS 500 GR /1 7503006356209 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS TOSTADIN MINI BOTANERA JUMBO 1 KG /1 7503006356162 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS TOSTADIN FRITAS EN TUBO 320 GR /1 7503006356155 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS TOSTADIN FRITAS EN TUBO 320 GR /1 7503006356223 50221300 H87 |
MEJORANTE PURATOS S-500 5 KG /1 8405310400021 50181709 H87 |
MEJORANTE PURATOS TOUPAN ULTRA 5 KG /1 840531041158 50181709 H87 |
COLORANTE AMARILLO NARANJA 100 GR /1 7501471601183 50192302 H87 |
CREMA WHIP N TOP VAINILLA P/BATIR 4 KG /4 7501096810403 50131701 KGM |
LEVADURA SAF DORADA 20X500G*& 500 GR /20 17929352011 50181709 KGM |
MANTEQUILLA LA GLORIA C/SAL60X90G & 90 GR /60 7501013610017 50131703 H87 |
MANTEQUILLA LA GLORIA C/SAL30X360G & 360 GR /30 7501013610031 50131703 H87 |
MANTEQUILLA LA GLORIA S/SAL(PAN)10X1KG& 1 KG /10 7501013610178 50131703 H87 |
MANTEQUILLA LA GLORIA S/SAL30X360G & 360 GR /30 7501013610048 50131703 H87 |
MANTEQUILLA LA GLORIA S/SAL60X90G & 90 GR /60 7501013610024 50131703 H87 |
MANTEQUILLA GLORIA S/SAL 24X225G& 225 GR /24 7501013610161 50131703 H87 |
MARGARINA SN ANTONIOROJA S/S(PAN)10X1KG& 1 KG /10 7501013620092 50131703 H87 |
MARGARINA UNTARELLA S/SAL12X90G& 90 GR /12 7501013620023 50131703 H87 |
MASA MADRE PURATOS EN POLVO O’TENTIC 1 KG /1 5410687019946 50181708 H87 |
ABRILLANTADOR PURATOS HARMONY COLD N. 5 KG /1 8405310605655 50192302 H87 |
MARGARINA PURATOS ALOHA FEITE 1 KG /10 9700093005400 50131703 H87 |
RELLENO HORNEABLE PURATOS FRUIT.ZARZA 1 KG /6 9700093005500 50192302 H87 |
RELLENO HORNEABLE PURATOS FRESH.FRESA 1 KG /6 9700093005600 50192302 H87 |
RELLENO HORNEABLE PURATOS FRESH.PINA 1 KG /6 9700093005800 50181906 H87 |
COBERTURA DOLCEZZA P/PASTEL 20 KG /1 756774093242 50192302 H87 |
LEVADURA FLEISCHMANN INST. DORADA 450 GR /20 7502231540629 50181709 KGM |
DONAS 1 PZ /1 9700093006400 50181901 H87 |
LEVADURA FLEISCHMANN INST. SALADA 450 GR /20 7502231540612 50181709 KGM |
TOSTADAS TOSTADIN HORNEADA 140 GR /1 7503006356094 50221300 H87 |
MEJORANTE FLEISCHMANN SUP F PAN BCO 440 GR /20 7502231540018 50181709 H87 |
MEJORANTE FLEISCHMANN SUP F PAN DUL 440 GR /20 7502231540025 50181709 H87 |
COBERTURA TOP CREAM VAINILLA 2 KG /1 17501096810400 50192302 H87 |
COBERTURA TOP CREAM CHOCOLATE 2 KG /1 17501096810509 50192302 H87 |
CHISPAS DOLCEZZA DE CHOCOLATE 500 GR /20 9700093007400 50192301 H87 |
COLORANTE JELLY ROSA 270 GR /12 9700093007600 50192302 H87 |
COLORANTE JELLY ROJO 270 GR /12 9700093007700 50192302 H87 |
COLORANTE JELLY AZUL 270 GR /12 9700093008000 50192302 H87 |
COLORANTE JELLY AMARILLO 270 GR /12 9700093008200 50192302 H87 |
MARGARINA LASTUR MULTIUSOS 1 KG /10 9700093008500 50131703 H87 |
MARGARINA LASTUR NADES 1 KG /10 9700093008600 50131703 H87 |
MADALENAS 93 GR 3 PZ /1 7501030477488 50181900 H87 |
TOSTADAS MILPA REAL TUBO 324 GR /1 7501030474739 50221300 H87 |
PIZZA FUD 2PACK INVIDUAL JAMON 1 PZ /1 7501040044755 50192702 KGM |
MARGARINA UNTARELLA S/SAL(PAN)10X1KG& 1 KG /10 7501013620054 50131703 H87 |
BIGOTES TIA ROSA C/CHOCOLATE 68 GR /1 7501000142200 50181906 H87 |
CONCHAS TIA ROSA 2 PZ /1 7501000142453 50181906 H87 |
CUERNITOS TIA ROSA 100 GR /1 7501000142705 50181906 H87 |
GANSITO MARINELA MINI 125 GR 5 PZ /1 7501030484363 50181906 H87 |
MANTECADAS TIA ROSA 2 PZ /1 7501000142408 50181906 H87 |
PAN BIMBO INTEGRAL GDE 680 GR /1 7501000111458 50181906 H87 |
PAN BIMBO MULTIGRANO 540 GR /1 7501000131440 50181906 H87 |
PAY MARINELA DE NUEZ 70 GR /1 7501000153541 50181906 H87 |
PAY MARINELA DE PINA 85 GR /1 7501000153503 50181906 H87 |
PINGUINOS MARINELA MINI 180 GR 6 PZ /1 7501030484332 50181906 H87 |
ROLLO MARINELA FRESA 2 PZ /1 751000153459 50181906 H87 |
SUBMARINOS MARINELA VAINILLA 3 PZ /1 7501000153282 50181906 H87 |
GANSITO MARINELA 1 PZ /1 7501000153152 50181906 H87 |
TOSTADAS TOSTADIN MINI BOTANERA 160 GR /1 7503006356063 50221300 H87 |
MARGARINA SAN ANTONIO AZUL CON SAL 90 GR /24 7501013620160 50131703 H87 |
MARGARINA SAN ANTONIO AZUL SIN SAL 45 GR /48 7501013620184 50131703 H87 |
BARRITA MULTIGRANO NUEZ 34 GR /1 7501030424345 50192301 H87 |
FLAN VAINILLA LALA PACK 100 GR /6 7501020511390 50192301 H87 |
GELATINA LALA SURTIDO 6 PZ /1 7501020533552 50192400 NMP |
GANSITO MARINELA DOBLE CHOCOLATE 50 GR /1 7501030479499 50181906 H87 |
PASTELITO MARINELA DALMATA 1 PZ /1 7501000105236 50181906 H87 |
TORTILLAS EL CARMEN HARINA CHICA 10 PZ /1 7503010899013 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS EL CARMEN HARINA EXGRAN1X5PZ& 5 PZ /1 7503010899037 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS EL CARMEN HARINA INTEG 10 PZ /1 7503010899020 50221300 H87 |
PAN BIMBO BLANCO MEDIANO 460 GR /1 7501000120253 50181906 H87 |
PAN BIMBO INTEGRAL MEDIANO 480 GR /1 7501000111442 50181906 H87 |
TOSTADAS PLANAS BIMBO 1X15PZAS+ 15 PZ /1 7501000106936 50221300 H87 |
PAN BIMBO BIMBOLLOS EXTRAGRANDE 6 PZ /1 7501000111695 50181906 H87 |
TORTILLINAS TIA ROSA 510 GR 20 PZ /1 7501000111299 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS BIMBO 1X230G+ 230 GR /1 7501000111473 50221300 H87 |
PAN BIMBO BLANCO GRANDE 680 GR /1 7501000111206 50181906 H87 |
NUTRILONCH BIMBO 1X352G&+ 352 GR /1 7501000126903 50181906 H87 |
PAN BIMBO MULTIGRANO LINAZA 540 GR /1 7501000300730 50181906 H87 |
MANTECADAS BIMBO CON NUEZ 4 PZ /1 7501030419389 50181906 H87 |
POLVO P/HORNEAR FLEISHCHMANN NARANJA 4 KG /4 9700093049100 50181709 H87 |
TOSTADAS RINCON TARASCO 140 GR /1 7501374502051 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS SUPREMA MINI BOTANERAS1X130G 130 GR /1 7502012000021 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS SUPREMAS 1X130G 130 GR /1 7502012000014 50221300 H87 |
TOTOPOS TARASCO 1X280G 280 GR /1 7501364502047 50221300 H87 |
COLORANTE AMARILLO HUEVO 1 KG /4 7501123404018 50192302 H87 |
CREMA CHANTILLY LECHEF BATIDA 1 KG /1 7501013630077 50131701 KGM |
CREMA CHANTILLY LECHEF SPRAY NATURAL 250 ML /1 7501013630107 50131701 MLT |
PASTELITO WONDER TUINKY VAINILLA 220 GR /1 7501000103256 50181906 H87 |
GELATINA CON-GELLI FRESA/LECHE 170 GR /48 7501200420023 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA CON-GELLI ROMPOPE/LECHE 170 GR /48 7501200424021 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA CON-GELLI VAINILL/LECH 170 GR /48 7501200423024 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA DANONE DANY UVA 125 GR /1 75009137 50192400 XBX |
TOSTADAS CHARRAS AJONJOLI 250 GR /6 756702133651 50221200 KGM |
TORTILLAS PITICO DE HARINA*PROM* 10 PZ /1 756702131718 50221300 H87 |
GELATINA LALA SABOR FRESA 130 GR /1 7501020511925 50192400 NMP |
GELATINA D’GARI DURAZNO 200 GR /50 735257012024 50192400 NMP |
BISQUETS LA INTEGRAL CHOCOLATE 180 GR /1 648292000119 50181906 H87 |
BISQUETS LA INTEGRAL MANZANA 180 GR /1 648292000096 50181906 H87 |
BISQUETS LA INTEGRAL NUEZ 180 GR /1 648292000126 50181906 H87 |
PAN BIMBO BOLLO EXTRAGRANDE 15 PZ /1 7501000106417 50181906 H87 |
GALLETA MARINELA TRIKI TRAKES 200 GR /1 7501030475019 50181905 XBX |
GALLETA MARINELA CANELITAS 207 GR /1 7501030475033 50181905 XBX |
GALLETA MARINELA PRINCIPE 190 GR /1 7501030475026 50181905 XBX |
PAN BIMBO MOLIDO 5 KG /1 7501000111879 50181906 H87 |
TERRONES LA INTEGRAL AVENA/PASAS 180 GR /1 648292000218 50181906 H87 |
TERRONES LA INTEGRAL AVENA/COCO 180 GR /1 648292000225 50181906 H87 |
POLVO PARA HORNEAR REXAL 4500 GR /4 10013602001099 50181709 H87 |
TOSTADA EL MAYAL DORADITA 190 GR /27 7504017438007 50221300 H87 |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL COCO LECHE 200 GR /50 7501837400221 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL CHOCOLATE LECHE 200 GR /50 7501837400214 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL FRESA DE LECHE 200 GR /50 7501837400238 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL NUEZ LECHE 200 GR /50 7501837400276 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL VAINILLA LECHE 200 GR /50 7501837400283 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL DURAZNO 200 GR /50 7501837400023 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL FRAMBUESA 200 GR /50 7501837400030 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL FRESA 200 GR /50 7501837400047 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL GROSELLA 200 GR /50 7501837400054 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL JEREZ 200 GR /50 7501837400061 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL LIMON 200 GR /50 7501837400078 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL MANZANA 200 GR /50 7501837400085 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL NARANJA 200 GR /50 7501837400092 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL PINA 200 GR /50 7501837400108 50192400 XBX |
GELATINA NUTRIGEL UVA 200 GR /50 7501837400115 50192400 XBX |
PIZZA FUD 2PACK PEPPERONI INDIVIDUAL 1 PZ /1 7501040044649 50192702 KGM |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA 15 PZ /1 7502222116130 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA 20 PZ /1 7502222115577 50221300 H87 |
CREMA NATURAL LA GLORIA REPOSTERIA 5 LT /1 275010113650024 50131701 LTR |
MARGARINA EL SABINO 90 GR /1 7501475608517 50131703 H87 |
SOPAS MARUCHAN PREPARADA 1 PZ /1 9700093067700 50191500 H87 |
TOSTADA HORNEADA TOSTITADA 140 GR /1 7503006761119 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADA HORNEADA TOSTITADA 500 GR /1 7503006761232 50221300 H87 |
PAN TOSTADO INTEGRAL BIMBO 250 GR /1 7501030491668 50181906 H87 |
CREMA PASTELERA LECHEF EN MANGA 1 KG /6 750113630138 50131701 KGM |
TOSTADA DEL BARRIO TRADICIONAL 20 PZ /1 7501054909330 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADA DEL BARRIO DESHIDRATADA 25 PZ /1 7501054909125 50221300 H87 |
TOTOPOS DEL BARRIO 350 GR /1 7501054909439 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA DEL BARRIO HARINA BURRITO 10 PZ /1 7501054911135 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA DEL BARRIO HARINA CASERA 345G 15 PZ /1 7501054911074 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA DEL BARRIO MAIZ FRIO 500 GR /1 7501054906117 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA DEL BARRIO CALIENTE 750 GR /1 7501054906094 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA MIXTA 15 PZ /1 7502222116215 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA INTEGRAL 15 PZ /1 7502222115416 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA CHIPILIN 15 PZ /1 7502222115058 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA CHIPOTLE 15 PZ /1 7502222115294 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA EXTRA GDE 10 PZ /1 7502222115096 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA BURRITOS 10 PZ /1 7502222115652 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS LA TRIGUENA MAIZ HORNEADAS 130 GR /1 7502222115133 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS LA TRIGUENA MAIZ MINIBOTANERA 130 GR /1 7502222117014 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS LA TRIGUENA MAIZ 130 GR /1 7502222117052 50221300 H87 |
PIZZA SAN RAFAEL MEXICANA 12.5 763 GR /1 7501040044144 50192702 KGM |
TORTILLINAS TIA ROSA 22 PZ /1 7501030486664 50221300 H87 |
EL PANQUE MANTECADA 2 PZ /1 7501621920027 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE BISQUET 2 PZ /1 7501621920010 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE SEMAS 1 PZ /1 7501621930019 50181906 H87 |
PANQUE CON NUEZ 1 PZ /1 7501621920102 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE CONCHA 2 PZ /1 7501621930033 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE CUERNITOS 1 PZ /1 7501621930040 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE GALLETA CHINA 2 PZ /1 7501621940032 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE GALLETA AZUCARADA 2 PZ /1 7501621940063 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE MORENAS 2 PZ /1 7501621940025 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE PUERQUITOS 2 PZ /1 7501621940049 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE FRANCESA 1 PZ /1 7501621940056 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE POLVORON 1 PZ /1 7501621940070 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE TORTILLA DE HARINA 12 PZ /1 7501621910011 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE LIMA 2 PZ /1 7501621930101 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE CAJITA SURTIDA 3 PZ /1 7501621960603 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE GALLETA TRIPLE FIBRA 2 PZ /1 7501621970039 50181906 H87 |
EL PANQUE GALLETA NUEZ 2 PZ /1 7501621970114 50181906 H87 |
TOSTADAS SANISSIMO DE MAIZ HORNEADAS 216 GR /1 658480001262 50221300 H87 |
COBERTURA B GLORIA ALP BLANCA MARQ ALPEZZI 5 KG /3 17501013670032 50192302 H87 |
ABRILLANTADOR BRILLO AMERICAN DONUS 58 KG /1 200001243005 50192302 H87 |
TORTILLAS EL CARMEN DE HARINA CHICA 12 UD /1 7503010899068 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS DOS REGIONES NORMAL 1 35 /1 750010152019 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS 2 REGIONES HORNEADAS 350 GR /1 7503010152040 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS 2 REGIONES TOTOPOS 350 GR /1 7503010152057 50221300 H87 |
PAN WONDER INTEGRAL 100% C/AJONJOLI 567 GR /1 7501030478409 50181906 H87 |
PAN WONDER INTEGRAL 100% GDE 567 GR /1 7501030478393 50181906 H87 |
PAN WONDER BLANCO C/AJONJOLI 567 GR /1 7501030478386 50181906 H87 |
TOSTADAS CHARRO DEL NORTE 275 GR /18 7503005027339 50221300 H87 |
TOTOPOS TOTIS 500 GR /9 643795547802 50221300 H87 |
COBERTURA ICING B GL.ALPEZZI VAINILLA 5 KG /4 9700093084100 50192302 H87 |
COBERTURA ICINGB GL.ALPEZZI CHOCOLATE 5 KG /4 9700093084200 50192302 H87 |
COBERTURA ICING B GL.ALPEZZI MAPLE 5 KG /4 9700093084300 50192302 H87 |
TOSTADAS LA TRIGUENA MAIZ MINIBOTANERA 500 GR /1 7502222115010 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS LA TRIGUENA MAIZ MINIBOTANERA 1 KG /1 7502222115539 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA 10 PZ /1 7502222116178 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLAS HARINA LA TRIGUENA FLOR CAL 15 PZ /1 7502222115171 50221300 H87 |
CREMA CHANTILLY BATIDA DULLA 1 LT /1 7501096810311 50131701 KGM |
CREMA CHANTILLY BATIDA 1 LT /12 7501096810342 50131701 KGM |
CARITA NO.1 P/PAN DE YEMA 50 GR 1 PZ /1 9700093085000 50181900 H87 |
CARITA NO.2 P/PAN DE YEMA 100 GR 1 PZ /1 9700093085100 50181900 H87 |
TERRONES LA INTEGRAL CHOCOLATE 100 GR /1 648292001390 50181906 H87 |
TERRONES LA INTEGRAL PASAS 100 GR /1 648292001383 50181906 H87 |
BISQUETS LA INTEGRAL NUEZ 90 GR /1 648292001338 50181906 H87 |
BISQUETS LA INTEGRAL CHOCOLATE 90 GR /1 648292001345 50181906 H87 |
EMPANADA LA INTEGRAL CAJETA 80 GR /1 648292001154 50181906 H87 |
EMPANADA LA INTEGRAL FRESA 80 GR /1 648292001161 50181906 H87 |
PAN BIMBO ARTESANO 500 GR /1 7501030464389 50181906 H87 |
PASTELITO MARINELA LATTE CREME 40 GR /1 7501030461340 50181906 H87 |
PASTELITO MARINELA LATTE FRUTE 40 GR /1 7501030461333 50181906 H87 |
TORTILLA HARINA DEL BARRIO TRIGO 30 PZ /1 7501054911180 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA MISSION HARINA INTEGRAL 10 PZ /1 7501054910039 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA DEL BARRIO HARINA BURRITO 12 PZ /1 7501054910268 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADA MISSION TRADICIONALES 27 PZ /1 7501054902898 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADA MISSION HORNEADA 26 PZ /1 7501054902973 50221300 H87 |
BISQUETS NUTRI-FIT NATURAL 75 GR /1 7500326729324 50181906 H87 |
ROL NUTRI-FIT GLASEADO 90 GR /1 7500326729317 50181906 H87 |
CONCHA NUTRI-FIT GLASEADA 75 GR /1 7500326729300 50181906 H87 |
PAN BIMBO MEDIAS NOCHES 680 GR 16 PZ /1 7501000111534 50181906 H87 |
TORTILLA HARINA COMAL MM GLORIA CASERA 12 PZ /1 7500326261169 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA HARINA COMAL MM GLORIA TAQUER 10 PZ /1 7500326261138 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA HAR COMAL MM GLORIA BURRERA 8 PZ /1 7500326261107 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA HARINA COMAL MM GLORIA NORTEN 10 PZ /1 7500326261114 50221300 H87 |
TORTILLA HAR COMAL MM GLORIA CASER INT 10 PZ /1 7500326261145 50221300 H87 |
QUESO CREMA CHANTILLY 1360 GR /10 7501096870001 50131703 H87 |
COBERTURA TOP CREAM MOKA 2 KG /4 7503019421079 50192302 H87 |
WAFER BGLORIA ALPEZZI SEMIAMARGO 1 KG /8 7502265252680 50181900 H87 |
HARINA BACKALDRIN CROISSANT 20 KG /1 7500326884177 50221301 KGM |
TOTOPOS DZ 250 GR /1 9700093088600 50221300 H87 |
TOTOPOS DZ 500 GR /1 9700093088700 50221300 H87 |
TOTOPOS DZ 1 KG /1 9700093088800 50221300 H87 |
TOSTADAS MISSION TRADICIONALES 180 GR /14 9700093089000 50221300 H87 |
CHOC AVIGNON MARQUETA OBSC TURQUESA 5 KG /4 9700093089200 50161511 KGM |
PASTELITO PINGUINOS TWIST 2P 80 GR /1 7501030461357 50181906 H87 |
TOSTADAS CHARRAS JALAPENO 250 GR /6 756702133637 50221200 KGM |
TOSTADAS CHARRAS CHIPOTLE 250 GR /6 756702133644 50221200 KGM |
HARINA DE MAIZ MASECA EXTRA PREMIUM 20 KG /1 9700093115100 50221301 KGM |
TOSTADAS DEL CAMEN CASERAS 210 GR /1 7503010899082 50221300 H87 |
PAN BIMBO BLANCO SIN ORILLAS 450 GR /1 7501030466611 50181906 H87 |
PAN BIMBO DOBLE FIBRA 454 GR /1 7501030470076 50181906 H87 |
MANTECADAS BIMBO CON NUEZ 184GR 6 PZ /1 7501030475514 50181906 H87 |
Corregir el Código Duro 58 y 5 en MyBusiness POS
Canal oficial de Video TutorialesTe podemos solucionar este error lo más pronto posible desde Whatsapp 7222816462
Tester Conexión SQL desde Android
El cupón de este año 2019 es 9yewhp .
En esta ocasión complementaré acerca del Código Duro 58; el cual tiene que ver con muchas razones. Por lo pronto les dejo un video que muestra la solución en Windows 7.
Catalogo de Productos de Abarrotes pdf
Descarga la cadena de conexión para MyBusiness POS 20
Cadena de conexión MyBusiness POS 20
MyBusiness POS v.17, Gratis
Manual MyBusiness POS V.17
MyBusiness POS 2012, Gratis
SQLcli Cliente para Terminales MyBusiness POS 2010, 2011 y 2012
Las Causas del error pueden ser varias:
- Windows 7 y MSQL Server; Privilegios y permisos.
2147467259 se ha denegado el permiso create database en la base de datos ‘master’. código duro: 58
La causa es que los candados de SQL Server y windows 7 impiden que se cree por primera vez una base de Datos que es necesaria para guardar configuraciones del mismo SQL Server.
(Obtenido de MyBusiness POS Desarrollos)Pueden ser varias causas, le comento las posibles soluciones:
- Dar clic secundario al icono de MyBusiness POS y elegir la opción “Ejecutar como administrador”. Para evitar tener que hacer esto nuevamente, puede cambiar la “Configuración del control de cuentas de usuario” y colocarlo en “No notificarme nunca”
- Otra alternativa sería realizar lo siguiente:
- Utilice la secuencia “C:\MyBusinessDatabase” y seleccione el archivo “MyBusinessPOS2010”, de clic secundario y elija la opción “Propiedades”
- En el cuadro de dialogo que aparece, seleccione la ficha “Seguridad”, de clic en el botón Editar, clic en la casilla “Control total”, clic en Aceptar y nuevamente clic en Aceptar.
- Repetir el proceso con el archivo MyBusinessPOS2010_log
Catalogo de Productos de Abarrotes pdf
Abrir Firewall Puerto 1400
Tester Conexión SQL desde Android
- No se puede Abrir la Conexión con SQL Server
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259 Proveedor de canalizaciones con nombre: No se pudo abrir una conexión con SQL Server [2]. código duro: 58
Causa: El servicio de SQL SERVER no esta habilitado
- Verifique, primero, que se haya instalado correctamente el servicio de SQL Server.
- Revise que esté en estado Running: Entrar a inicio/todos los programas/Microsoft SQL server management studio/herramientas de configuración (configuration tools) /Administrador de configuración de SQL server/services: Aquí mostrará los servicios de SQL, seleccionaremos el servicio SQL Server (SQLExpress), clic derecho iniciar. Otra alternativa es ejecutar esta herramienta que les dejo de forma gratuita para que la prueben. La desarrollé y es funcional:
Catalogo de Productos de Abarrotes pdf
Tester Conexión SQL desde Android
Abrir Firewall Puerto 1400
Descargar Reinicia SQL Server.bat
- Problemas en la Red por Conexión o Ancho de Banda
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259 Proveedor de TCP: Se produjo un error durante el intento de conexión ya que la parte conectada no respondió adecuadamente tras un periodo de tiempo, o bien se produjo un error en la conexión establecida ya que el host conectado no ha podido responder. código duro: 5
Te podemos solucionar este error lo más pronto posible desde Whatsapp 7222816462
Causa: No hay conexión física entre el servidor de SQL Server y la Estación de Trabajo
- Verifique que el equipo esta dentro de la red, conectado físicamente o por VPN (Hamachi) y que pueden comunicarse o compartir archivos.
Descargar VPN para Windows
1 archivo(s) 8.13 MB - Revise que el equipo servidor está encendido y que está habilitado el servicio SQL Server
- Revise que su equipo Cliente cuenta con el Conector SQL.
SQLcli Cliente para Terminales MyBusiness POS 2010, 2011 y 2012
1 archivo(s) 3.43 MB - Verifique que el firewall de su router (en caso de alguna VPN diferente a hamachi) permita acceder a traves del puerto 1400
- Puede utilizar el siguiente bloque de Conexion y pegarlo en la ventana grande que le aparece despues del error no 5
Initial Catalog = C:\MyBusinessDatabase\MyBusinessPOS2011.mdf;
Persist Security Info=True;
User ID=sa;
En donde dice SERVIDOR, es el nombre de su equipo en donde esta almacenada la base de datos
1400 es el numero de puerto por el que nos conectaremos al servidor, este debe estar abierto tanto en el firewall como en la configuracion de SQL Server (ambos en el servidor).
Catalogo de Productos de Abarrotes pdf
Tester Conexión SQL desde Android
- Permiso denegado. problema con para crear una Base de Datos en SQL SERVER
Existe error al interior hacer la conexion 2147467259 CREATE DATABASE Permission deied in database master codigo duro:5
(Obtenido de MyBusiness POS Desarrollos)Pueden ser varias causas, le comento las posibles soluciones:
- Dar clic secundario al icono de MyBusiness POS y elegir la opción “Ejecutar como administrador”. Para evitar tener que hacer esto nuevamente, puede cambiar la “Configuración del control de cuentas de usuario” y colocarlo en “No notificarme nunca”
- Otra alternativa sería realizar lo siguiente:
- Utilice la secuencia “C:\MyBusinessDatabase” y seleccione el archivo “MyBusinessPOS2010”, de clic secundario y elija la opción “Propiedades”
- En el cuadro de dialogo que aparece, seleccione la ficha “Seguridad”, de clic en el botón Editar, clic en la casilla “Control total”, clic en Aceptar y nuevamente clic en Aceptar.
- Repetir el proceso con el archivo MyBusinessPOS2010_log
Abrir Firewall Puerto 1400
- Permiso Denegado. Problema con el puerto 1400.
- Es necesario abrir el puerto 1400 en el equipo servidor.
Abrir Firewall Puerto 1400
- Falta el cliente (SQL Cli.msi)
Se detecto que no estan instalados los clientes de SQL Server, busque el archivo sqlncli.msi en su disco de instalación e instalelo
SQLcli Cliente para Terminales MyBusiness POS 2010, 2011 y 2012
Abrir Firewall Puerto 1400
- No está instalado el Servidor (SQL Server) en la Red Local.
SQLcli Cliente para Terminales MyBusiness POS 2010, 2011 y 2012
- El nombre (o Dirección IP) del Servidor no Existe en la Red
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259 Proveedor de TCP: Host desconocido. código duro: 5
Causa: El Nombre del Servidor o Dirección Ip donde está alojada la base de Datos No existe o no tiene el Servicio Habilitado.
SQLcli Cliente para Terminales MyBusiness POS 2010, 2011 y 2012
SERVIDOR es el nombre o IP de su SQL Server
- El Puerto de SQL SERVER actual no es 1400
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259 Proveedor de TCP: No se ha podido establecer conexión ya que el equipo de destino ha denegado activamente dicha conexión. código duro: 5
Causa: El Servidor está rechazando la conexión debido a que el puerto disponible para aceptar las peticiones no es el 1400 (tal vez es el 1344, que viene por default). En este caso, debemos abrir el puerto 1400 para permitir el acceso a la Base de Datos.
Abrir Firewall Puerto 1400
- El Servicio de SQL Server está en PAUSE
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259 SQL Server service has been paused. No new connections will be allowed. To resume the service, use SQL Computer Manager or the Services application in Control Panel. código duro: 5
Causa: El servicio está Pausado de manera intencional por el Personal Administrador del Sistema (DBA).
Descargar Reinicia SQL Server.bat
- No existe la Base de Datos MyBusinessPOS2011.mdf en la Lista del Servidor.
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259 Cannot open database “C:\MyBusinessDatabase\MyBusinessPOS2011.mdf” requested by the login. The login failed. código duro: 5
Causa: La Base de Datos no existe en el Servidor.
Tal vez Será Necesario hacer un Attach de la Base de Datos.
Otra causa es que no se encuentran los dos archivos necesarios en la ruta C:\MyBusinessDatabase\
- El Sistema de Archivos de Windows esta Comprimido
EXISTE UN ERROR AL HACER LA CONEXION 2147467259 EL ARCHIVO C:\MYBUSSINESDATABASE\MYBUSSINESPOS2011.MDF. esta comprimido pero no recibe e una base de datos o grupo de archivos de solo lectura el archivo debe estar descomprimido. codigo duro 58.
Causa: Windows Comprime los archivos de manera automática para reducir espacios.
Dar un clic sobre la unidad C, seleccionar la opción “Propiedades”. En la ventana que le aparece debe deshabilitar la opción que dice “Comprimir esta unidad para ahorrar espacio en disco”. De clic en Aceptar y vuelva a hacer una prueba para entrar a MyBusiness POS.
- No coincide la contraseña para accesar a la Base de Datos
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147217843 Login failed for user ‘sa’. código duro: 5
Causa: el usuario y la Contraseña no coinciden para accesar a la base de Datos (de SQL Server, no es la misma del login a mybusiness).
Usurio: sa
Passwd: 12345678
- Error de Password en MyBusiness POS
El password no coincide
Causa: el usuario y la Contraseña no coinciden para iniciar Sesión en MyBusiness POS
Datos por Default
Usurio: sup
Passwd: sup
La manera correcta de escribirlo es sup[ESPACIO]sup
- Error en el Usuario MyBusiness POS
El usuario no existe
Causa: El usuario no ha sido dado de alta en el sistema.
Datos por Default
Usurio: sup
Passwd: sup
La manera correcta de escribirlo es sup[ESPACIO]sup
- La Cadena de Conexión está Incompleta
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259 Interfaces de red SQL: La cadena de conexión no es válida [87]. código duro: 5
Causa: A la cadena de conexión le faltan parámetros para que se pueda realizar la conexión al Servidor (puede ser el nombre o el puerto 1400 que haga falta).
- Error al ejecutar a SQLCloud
Run-time error 429 ActiveX Component Can’t create object
Module: frmInicio
Function: vbaIListBar1_ItemClick
ActiveX component can’t create object codigo duro: 24
Error número: 429
Te podemos solucionar este error lo más pronto posible desde Whatsapp 7222816462
Error al ejecutar a SQLCloud
- Error al intentar abrir MyBusinessPOS V17
Existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259
SQL Server Network interfaces: La instancia localDB especificada no existe.
[x89C50107]. Código duro: 5
Causa: La versión 2017 se conecta de manera diferente a las anteriores, crea un nombre propio en el ODBC.
Te podemos solucionar este error lo más pronto posible desde Whatsapp 7222816462
- Run time error 91 mybusiness pos
Error de tiempo de ejecución ’91’: la variable de objeto o variable de bloque With no está establecida, seguida del Error 59999 – Error definido por el objeto o definido por la aplicación
PD: Estoy seguro que ni el personal de MyBusiness POS Desarrollos tienen esta lista de errores y Soluciones!!!
Whatsapp 7222816462 , tenemos la solución.
Ocurrió un Error
Module: frmPointOfSal
Function: TerminaVenta
Description: No se pudo finalizar la reansacción de datos: Error no especificado código duro: 2944
Error número: -2147467259
- my business pos codigo duro 58,
- error codigo duro 5 my business 2017,
- codigo duro 62 my business,
- mybusiness pos,
- error 58 mybusiness 2011,
- my business pos v17 configuracion en red,
- codigo duro 5 my business pos 2017,
- mybusinesspos2012 mdf solicitada por el inicio de sesión error de inicio de sesión código duro 5,
- como instalar my business pos 2017,
- existe un error al intentar hacer la conexión -2147467259 my business,
- error codigo 5,
- my business pos 2017 codigo duro 5,
- codigo duro 62 my business,
- error 58 mybusiness 2011,
- instalar mybusiness pos 2017,
- x89c5010a código duro 5,
- error en el vinculo de comunicacion mybusiness,
Imprimir una remisión de más de una hoja (solución)
Hoy voy a compartir con ustedes el tip sobre la impresión de una remisión o cualquier otro documento en tamaño carta que tenga bastantes partidas.
El código se encuentra en la siguiente ruta, dentro del sistema MyBusinessPOS:
Configuración–Personalización–Formatos del Sistema. Ahi se encuentra el formato REMISIONES
Damos doble clic y podemos modoficarlo. Dentro del reporte encontramos un bloque grande IF. Antes de que termine el bloque IF y FinDocumento, colocamos el siguiente código:
'Jose Felix
if val2(Row( Incremento )) > 0.025 Then 'EN ESTE CASO, EL VALOR 0.025 SON PULGADAS
Incremento = 1
end if
Incremento = Incremento + 1
End If
Guardamos y listo
Pero no se preocupen si les parece confuso, les dejo tambien el código fuente y el archivo .paq; y como siempre les recomiendo que antes de hacer pruebas, se haga un respaldo. Este es el link de descarga: